Universe: Warhammer 40K
Current price $19.99
Dark Heresy (2nd Ed): Tattered Fates
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesSomething terrible stirs upon the pleasure planet of Quaddis. Portents and ancient evils become evident as the penultimate 13th Hour approaches. Wi...
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Current price $34.99
Dark Heresy RPG (2nd Edition): Damned Cities
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesFantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce Damned Cities, the second volume in the gripping Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy! The Haarlock’s Legacy Tril...
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Current price $60.00
Warhammer 40k - Kustom Boosta-Blasta
Games WorkshopArmed to the grille with guns, blades and greenskins, the Kustom Boosta-blasta is one of the deadliest Ork vehicles around. Ferociously fast, absur...
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Current price $60.00
Warhammer 40K: Adepta Sororitas - Arco-Flagellants
Games WorkshopArco-flagellants lope alongside faithful armies in packs, their lash-like limbs whipping back and forth as they follow their priestly masters to ba...
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Current price $100.00
Warhammer 40000: Apocalypse
Games WorkshopWarhammer 40,000: Apocalypse is a game of massive battles set in the grim darkness of the far future. If you've ever wanted to field an entire Spac...
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Current price $35.00
Warhammer 40000: Hell`s Last A Minka Lesk Novel
Games WorkshopWhen a new threat surges through the Gallows Cluster, jeopardising the stability of the entire warfront, the 101st are thrown into the breach. As l...
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Current price $55.00
DIS Warhammer 40000 - Codex: Adeptus Custodes (9th)
Games WorkshopDIS The Adeptus Custodes are demigods of war, sworn to defend the Emperor to their last breath. In this dark and dangerous age, that mission compel...
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Current price $52.00
Necromunda: Halls of the Ancients
Games WorkshopThe Squat clans of Necromunda have mined, traded, and survived on this dangerous planet for 10,000 years. When they locate a dig site, these abhuma...
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Current price $16.00
Warhammer 40000: Titanicus
Games WorkshopWhen the vital forge world of Orestes comes under attack by a legion of Chaos Titans, the planet is forced to appeal for help. The Titans of Legio ...
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Current price $60.00
Warhammer 40K: Crusade - Nachmund Gauntlet
Games WorkshopThe Invasion BeginsThe Nachmund Gauntlet is the largest and most stable of the known routes across the Great Rift. Once a lifeline to deliver reinf...
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Current price $45.00
Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum : Krieg Combat Engineers
Games WorkshopKrieg Combat Engineers are renowned for their skill as demolitions experts, sappers, and close-quarters trench fighters. It is their task to accomp...
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Current price $45.00
Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum : Krieg Command Squad
Games WorkshopKrieg Command Squads are led by representatives of the Officio Prefectus, most commonly a high-ranking Commissar, assisted by a retinue of veterans...
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Current price $52.00
Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum : Death Korps of Krieg
Games WorkshopThe Death Korps of Krieg's grim regiments excel in the most gruelling of conditions – their famous siege troops holding key positions no matter the...
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Current price $52.00
Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum : Krieg Heavy Weapons Squad
Games WorkshopDeath Korps Heavy Weapons Squads are deployed to support infantry assaults, forming overlapping fields of fire to pin down the enemy and enable wav...
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Current price $33.50
Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum Dice
Games WorkshopThe Astra Militarum uses the crushing weight of numbers to overwhelm their foes, and that means you're going to be rolling a lot of dice. We can't ...
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Current price $11.00
White Dwarf 509
Games WorkshopWhite Dwarf is the official Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing monthly content – including new rules and background, short stories, regular co...
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Current price $62.50
Warhammer 40K - Aeldari Fire Dragons
Games WorkshopThis multipart plastic kit builds five Fire Dragons – deadly flame-hurling warriors for use in Aeldari armies in games of Warhammer 40,000. These e...
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Current price $62.50
Warhammer 40K - Aeldari Warp Spiders
Games WorkshopWarp Spiders epitomise the concept of aggressive defence, using their jump generators to attack the enemy before fading away in the blink of an eye...
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Current price $45.00
Warhammer 40K - Aeldari Fuegan
Games WorkshopFuegan has dedicated himself to the destruction of the enemies of the Asuryani, and the trail of corpses he has left in his wake spans the galaxy. ...
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Current price $45.00
Warhammer 40K - Aeldari Lhykhis
Games WorkshopLhykhis strikes like an ambush predator from the Empyrean, sowing murderous bloodshed amongst their foes. With each hissing discharge of the Brood ...
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Current price $38.00
Warhammer 40000 - Battlefield Trophies
Games Workshop“Only in Death Does Duty End”The claiming of war trophies by victorious forces has been commonplace for millennia. While in centuries past, these s...
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Current price $230.00
Warhammer 40k - Death Korps of Krieg
Games WorkshopThe Astra Militarum is the backbone of Imperial military might. They are the men and women holding the line – a bulwark between Humanity and a gala...
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Current price $11.00
White Dwarf 508
Games WorkshopWhite Dwarf is the official Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing monthly content – including new rules and background, short stories, regular co...
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Current price $52.00
Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis: Stalker Constructs
Games WorkshopStalker Constructs are a stark example of the Dark Mechanicum’s pervasive touch. Numerous designs became common sights during the Horus Heresy, and...
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