Lord of the Rings LCG
We are proud to present our extensive collection of product for the Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game. Below you may find all of our products. A separate collection with just Nightmare Decks and Standalone Adventurers may be found here. Also feel free to browse our collection of Lord of the Rings playmats here.
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- $69.99
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Revised Core Set
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesIn The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, players assemble a band of adventurers who are attempting to complete dangerous quests in Middle-earth. From the bright fields of the Shire and the dangerous paths of Mirkwood Forest to the mighty kingdoms of Gondor and Rohan, the heroes of this beloved setting join together to resist the threat of the Dark Lord, Sauron. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game is a cooperative game in which one to four players work together, competing against scenarios controlled by the game. As a Living Card Game®, additional cards and quests are available in future expansions, further allowing players to customize the contents of this set, or to create their own original decks. - $21.99
Lord of the Rings LCG: Dwarves of Durin Starter Deck
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe proud, hardy Dwarves are known throughout Middle-earth for their tenacity, strength, and craftsmanship. From the members of the Traveling Company to the noble line of Durin, the Dwarves are a well-known and well-loved part of The Lord of the Rings lore, and now players can bring the strength of these earthen folk to their games of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! Always at home in caves and mines, the Dwarves specialize in delving through their decks to search for treasures and play allies and attachments for fewer resources than usual. Beyond that, they can call upon their Dwarven pride and work together to steamroll any foe! For players who are fond of the many Dwarf characters of The Lord of the Rings and their hearty fortitude, they will love the Dwarves of Durin Starter Deck! This expansion comes with a 53-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box. - $21.99
Lord of the Rings LCG: Riders of Rohan Starter Deck
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe noble warriors of Rohan, the Rohirrim, have always been renowned for their cavalry. Masters of horses and friends of Gondor, the riders of Rohan charge into battle against the Enemy with a great rallying cry, and now players can experience the thrill of this charge in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. The Rohirrim focus on powerful hit-and-run tactics, dashing into and out of battle in a gameplay style reminiscent of a cavalry charge. For players who enjoy having unrelenting momentum and constantly pressuring their foes, they will love the Riders of Rohan Starter Deck! This expansion comes with a 53-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.Sold out - $21.99
Lord of the Rings LCG: Elves of Lorien Starter Deck
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe nimble, graceful Elves are known throughout Middle-earth for their beauty and adaptability. The Wood-elves of Lórien have been a powerful, influential force of good throughout history, and now players can bring the grace and might of the Elves to their games of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! Masters of cooperation and ambush tactics, the Wood-elves specialize in having a multitude of allies with one-use abilities that they can return to their hand to use again and again. For players who are fond of the graceful Elves of The Lord of the Rings and their incredible adaptability, they will love the Elves of Lórien Starter Deck! This expansion comes with a 53-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box. - $21.99
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Dark of Mirkwood Scenario
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe Lord of the Rings LCG: The Dark of Mirkwood Scenario Brave the perils of forest and cave in The Dark of Mirkwood, an 82-card expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game that features two scenarios! A group of wicked Goblins have raided a settlement on the eaves of Mirkwood, taking the woodmen as their captives. Pursue them into the forest in The Oath, and venture deep into their lair to perform a daring rescue in The Caves of Nibin-Dǔm. These scenarios can be played by 1–4 players, either as standalone adventures or as an extension to The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game revised core set campaign. The core set is required to play. It contains two scenarios, " The Oath" and " The Caves of Nibin-Dum", which were originally published in the Limited Collector’s Edition two-player starter set.Sold out - $69.99
Lord of the Rings LCG: Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe western lands of Eriador have long remained peaceful under the vigilance of the Rangers of the North. Yet no grave can contain the evil forces of Angmar, which lurk in wild and ancient places, stretching the valorous Dúnedain rangers far and thin in their duty to protect the land. In the Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion, one to four players join forces with the Dúnedain to defend Eriador and investigate the source of the evil that plagues the land. Across nine scenarios, playable over the course of a sequential campaign, they must confront Orcs, trolls, wraiths, and a cunning villain who wields dark sorcery. This expansion includes all of the scenarios featured in The Lost Realm and the original Angmar Awakened cycle, now repackaged into one box, along with all-new campaign contentSold out - $44.99
Lord of the Rings LCG: Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe mysterious Dúnedain tirelessly protect the Free Peoples from lurking shadows and unseen dangers. In their duty to safeguard the realm, these Rangers of the North selflessly walk in harm’s way… The Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion includes 8 heroes for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, as well as all of the player cards and customization options featured in The Lost Realm and the original Angmar Awakened cycle. Use iconic characters like Aragorn and Arwen to quest through Middle-earth and thwart dangerous foes. Rise to the occasion by using valor cards and partake in new adventures pursuing thrilling side quests. The Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion can be used to build or enhance player decks for any The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game scenario or campaign.Sold out - $69.99
The Fellowship of the Ring Saga Expansion
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe Kingdom of Gondor has been beset by enemies for centuries. Constantly under the threat of Mordor, the people of Gondor have grown into stalwart defenders of the Free Peoples, and now players can experience the unyielding will of the Gondorians as they arrive in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. These proud warriors stand tall in the face of adversity, which is reflected in their high-risk, high-reward abilities and tendency to be strongest while threat is high. For players who enjoy come-from-behind victories and never backing down, they will love the Defenders of Gondor Starter Deck! This expansion comes with a 53-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box. - $14.95
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Temple of the Deceived Adventure Pack
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesTemple of the Deceived is the third Adventure Pack in the Dream-chaser cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. Its sixty cards include a new Leadership hero, twenty-seven new player cards (three copies each of nine different cards), and the core encounter set for a thrilling new scenario with innovative new mechanics that carry the game's fantastic explorations to all new heights! This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Core Set and The Lord of the Rings: The Grey Havens are required to play.Sold out - $14.95
The Lord of The Rings LCG: The Thing in the Depths Adventure Pack
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesHaving finally caught the Stormcaller after a harrowing pursuit across troubled seas, several of Middle-earth's heroes prepare to board the Corsair ship in The Thing in the Depths, the second Adventure Pack in the Dream-chaser cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Games. Their efforts to reclaim the Númenorean artifact the Corsairs had stolen erupt into fierce battles that quickly spiral into nightmare when the waters beneath the Stormcaller begin to churn and massive, tentacled arms erupt from the sea to grapple the ship and the sailors aboard it! The sixty new cards in The Thing in the Depths allow you to determine the course of the resulting battle, even as they introduce a new Spirit hero and three copies each of eight different player cards, including innovative new allies for each of the four spheres. Will these new allies add enough strength to your fellowship to help you survive your high-seas confrontation with an incomprehensible monster? Will they prevent you from seeing the Stormcaller ripped to pieces beneath you or keep you from being flung into the turbulent waters? You'll need every ounce of your strength to survive… You'll even need the aid of the Corsairs you were fighting! This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Core Set and The Lord of the Rings: The Grey Havens are required to play.Sold out - $14.95
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Fate of Wilderland Adventure Pack
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesYour mission should be complete, with both your party and Wilderland safe at last, but now you find yourself out of the frying pan and into the fire. In a move long-planned, Urdug has returned with an army of Goblins to lay claim to Gundabad and the dragon’s hoard. Goblins swarm up the mountain slope, surrounding your party, and you have no choice but to fight to keep them back. The Ered Mithrin cycle of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Gamevreaches its thrilling conclusion with its sixth and final Adventure Pack, The Fate of Wilderland! Set against an army of Goblins with new deadly encounter cards to challenge your heroes and new player cards to help you ready for the fight, this is sure to be a battle worthy of legend! This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Core Set and The Lord of the Rings: Wilds of Rhovanion are required to play. - $14.95
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Withered Heath Adventure Pack
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe Withered Heath is the first Adventure Pack in the Ered Mithrin cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Games. After journeying up the Anduin River on the eve of winter, braving the Forest Road through Mirkwood, and plumbing the depths of the caves that lie below the Iron Hills, word of a new threat waiting high in the Grey Mountains has reached your group of heroes. This dire pronouncement has sent them in search of the Withered Heath, a long valley where Dragons are said to breed. With its sixty cards (including a new hero and three copies of each new player card), The Withered Heath finds you and your heroes desperately seeking to extinguish this danger before it can direct its wrath to the whole of the Wilderland. But the road through the mountains is treacherous, the weather being just as dangerous as any of the creatures you might encounter. This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Core Set and The Wilds of Rhovanion deluxe expansion is required to play.Sold out - $19.99
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Three Trials Nightmare Deck
Asmodee: ArtiforgeNightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game allow you to revisit your favorite scenarios cast in the shadows of the game's challenging Nightmare Mode. Featuring deadlier enemies, darker locations, and more terrifying surprises, each Nightmare Deck introduces new, alternate encounter cards and instructions for using them to reshape a scenario's encounter deck. The result? A nightmarish journey through territory you thought you knew, but with twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat! In The Three Trials, your heroes must recover the powerful Dunlending artifact, The Antlered Crown. However, to recover it in Nightmare Mode, they'll first have to survive the deadly challenges presented them by three Guardian enemies. The Three Trials Nightmare Deck brings these challenges more fully into focus with new Spirit enemies that both give strength to and gain strength from the Guardian enemies that share their totems. Nightmare Decks are available via FFG's In-House Manufacturing and may differ subtly in appearance and texture from Core Set cards. Players are thus encouraged to utilize opaque or art sleeves while playing in Nightmare Mode. This is not a stand-alone product. One copy each of The Lord of the Rings: The Core Set, The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – The Voice of Isengard expansion, and The Lord of the Rings: The Three Trials are required to play.Sold out - $19.99
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Celebrimbors Secret Nightmare Deck
Asmodee: ArtiforgeNightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game allow you to revisit your favorite scenarios cast in the shadows of the game's challenging Nightmare Mode. Featuring deadlier enemies, darker locations, and more terrifying surprises, each Nightmare Deck introduces new, alternate encounter cards and instructions for using them to reshape a scenario's encounter deck. The result? A nightmarish journey through territory you thought you knew, but with twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat! The race to discover Celebrimbor's lost ring mould heats up with the Celebrimbor's Secret Nightmare Deck! As it returns you to the ruins of Ost-in-Edhil and challenges you to discover this powerful artifact before the Dark Lord's spy and Orcs can get their hands on it, the Celebrimbor's Secret Nightmare Deck introduces darker, more perilous locations and enemies that Scour them more quickly and effectively than ever. Nightmare Decks are available via FFG's In-House Manufacturing and may differ subtly in appearance and texture from Core Set cards. Players are thus encouraged to utilize opaque or art sleeves while playing in Nightmare Mode. This is not a stand-alone product. One copy each of The Lord of the Rings: The Core Set, The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – The Voice of Isengard expansion, and The Lord of the Rings: Celebrimbor's Secret are required to play. - $44.99
Lord the Rings LCG: The Dream-Chaser Hero Expansion
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesLong have the Elves of the Grey Havens build majestic ships to sail into the West. No one knows the seas as well as they, but these Noldor sailrs and navigators must still be ever vigilant. The sudden threats of severe storms or fleets of pillaging Corsairs always lurk on the horizon. The Dream-chaser Hero Expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game includes 8 playable heroes and all of the player cards and customization options originally featured in The Grey Havens and the Dream-chaser cycle of content. With iconic characters such as Denethor, Glorfindel, and Círdan the Shipwright, this expansion is a must-have for players looking to complete their collection. This expansion can be used to build or enhance player decks for any The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game scenario or campaign. - $69.99
The Lord of the Rings TCG: The Dream Chaser Campaign Expansion
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesFor an age past, Elves have departed from the Grey Havens, sailing the western ocean of Middle-earth in beautiful white ships, often never to return. But a storm is brewing on the horizon, and something foul awaits on a forgotten isle of Númenor. In the Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, one to four players sail across the oceans of Middle-earth, battling Corsairs on the high seas and exploring uncharted ruins of Númenor, all while defending the Grey Havens from fierce raiders. Over the course of nine scenarios—which can be played standalone or as part of a larger campaign—the heroes must confront pirates, wraiths, sea monsters, and a persuasive villain who commands a fleet of powerful ships. This expansion includes all of the scenarios originally featured in The Grey Havens and the Dream-chaser cycle of content, now repackaged into one box along with all-new campaign content.Sold out - $69.99
Lord of the Rings LCG: The Two Towers Saga Expansion
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe Fellowship has broken. During a fateful confrontation at Amon Hen, large Orcs bearing the White Hand of Saurman attacked the company, and in the chaos some members were captured, others killed. Now, Aragorn and the remainder of the Fellowship must let Frodo travel to Mordor while they pursue the Orcs that captured their friends. Experience the next chapter of the journey to destroy the One Ring in The Two Towers Saga Expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! This expansion contains six scenarios that recreate the adventures featured in the second part of the legendary The Lord of the Rings saga. You’ll also find over 50 hero and player cards, which can be used to build or enhance your decks for any The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game scenario or campaign! Note: For longtime fans of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, this expansion combines all of the contents from The Treason of Saruman and The Land of Shadow. If you already own those two expansions, you will not find any new cards or content in this product.Sold out - $69.99
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesAs dark threats loom over Middle-earth, ever more people are torn from their homes and left without safety or refuge. What begins as a simple task of escorting a band of such wanderers to a new home quickly evolves into something drastically more perilous when a mighty threat emerges from the wilds of Rhovanion. In the Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game , one to four players explore the Wilderlands of Middle-earth in their quest to defeat a dragon that is terrorizing the countryside. Over the course of nine scenarios—which can be played standalone or as part of a larger campaign—the heroes must battle Goblins, explore the vast Wilderland, and steel themselves for a showdown with the dragon itself! This expansion includes all of the scenarios originally featured in The Wilds of Rhovanion and the Ered Mithrin cycle, now repackaged into one box along with all-new campaign content. EPIC QUEST IN MIDDLE-EARTH: Embark on a daring adventure with the Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion, where players venture across Middle-earth to defeat a dragon terrorizing the countryside. Experience the thrill of exploration, battle, and heroism. NINE THRILLING SCENARIOS: Nine engaging scenarios can be played as standalone adventures or woven into an epic campaign. From battling Goblins to exploring vast Wilderland, prepare for a showdown with the formidable dragon in a narrative-rich quest. TEAM UP WITH ICONIC CHARACTERS: Join forces with the Woodsman and the people of Dale, delving into Middle-earth's lore. Together, face the challenges that lie ahead and forge a path to victory against the darkness that threatens the land. DISCOVER POWERFUL ARTIFACTS: Throughout your journey, uncover artifacts of great power to aid in your quest. With an evolving encounter deck, each playthrough offers a unique and thrilling experience, ensuring no two adventures are the same. COMPATIBLE WITH ALL EXPANSIONS: Players can challenge these scenarios with their favorite heroes and decks from any The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game expansions, offering endless possibilities for customization and strategy. - $22.95
The Lord of the Rings LCG - On The Doorstep Playmat
Asmodee: ArtiforgeOn the Doorstep Playmat - Embark on your adventures in Middle-earth in style with five new playmats for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! Whether you are participating in a thrilling Fellowship Event, or just playing around the kitchen table, these high-quality playmats present your cards in a cinematic fashion, featuring iconic art from The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, while providing a play surface perfect for protecting your cards from stains or spills. With the On the Doorstep Playmat, you return to the grand moment of danger and dread from J.R.R. Tolkien's novel when the long-slumbering Smaug leaves the Lonely Mountin behind to rain fire and death upon the people of Lake-town. In its terrible beauty, this playmat captures a moment where all hope seems lost, but the battle has only just begun, and the spirit of dwarf, hobbit, and man shall endure. - $44.99
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesIn the time since the dragon Smaug’s defeat, the city of Dale has become a prosperous trade hub. The merchants are well-equipped to conduct their business, but when a new enemy rears its head, they must join forces with heroes of Wilderland to defend their countryfolk from this terrible threat. The Ered Mithrin Hero Expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game includes 8 heroes and contains all of the player cards and customization options originally featured in The Wilds of Rhovanion and the Ered Mithrin cycle of content. Take control of iconic heroes like Bilbo Baggins, Radagast, and Dáin Ironfoot and join forces with the merchants of Dale to protect the people of Middle-earth from those that would do them harm. This expansion can be used to build or enhance player decks for any The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game scenario or campaign. EXPAND YOUR ADVENTURE: Dive into the prosperous world of Dale post-Smaug with the Ered Mithrin Hero Expansion, bringing 8 iconic heroes like Bilbo Baggins, Radagast, and Dáin Ironfoot to The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. RICH DECK CUSTOMIZATION: Enhance your deck-building experience with over 200 player cards across 4 spheres of influence, originally featured in The Wilds of Rhovanion and the Ered Mithrin cycle, offering endless strategies and gameplay styles. DEFEND MIDDLE-EARTH: Join forces with the merchants of Dale and iconic heroes of Wilderland to protect Middle-earth from new threats. This expansion pack is crucial for players looking to bolster their defenses in any scenario or campaign. COMPATIBLE WITH CORE GAME: To embark on this new adventure, a copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game core set is required. The Ered Mithrin Hero Expansion is designed to integrate seamlessly, providing a wealth of new options for your journeys. PERFECT FOR LOTR FANS: Whether you're a long-time collector or a new player, this expansion is a must-have, coinciding with the repackaged Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion. It's an ideal gift for fans of The Lord of the Rings and strategic card games.Sold out - $29.99
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Black Riders Nightmare Deck
Asmodee: ArtiforgeThe Riders halted, but Frodo had not the power of Bombadil. His enemies laughed at him with a harsh and chilling laughter. "Come back! Come back!" they called. "To Mordor we will take you!" –J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring Come back to The Black Riders with The Black Riders Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, but this time, the Nazgûl you'll face are deadlier and more persistant than ever! Combined in one single package, you'll find three twenty-card Nightmare Decks, one for each of the three scenarios from The Black Riders Saga Expansion. These Nightmare Decks introduce new setup and encounter decks that greatly increase the difficulty of the scenarios they modify, even as they explore new themes and characters, such as the game's second named Nazgûl , Khamûl the Easterling! The Nazgûl feature prominently through these Nightmare Decks, even as they are accompanied by other cards that force you into difficult decisions as doom closes in upon you. Moreover, if you're playing through the scenarios in Campaign Mode, your decisions can haunt you throughout the whole duration of your journey to Mount Doom, as The Black Riders Nightmare Decks also kicks off your Nightmare Mode The Lord of the Rings campaign. The chances are greater than ever that your Ring-bearer will truly feel the weight and burden of the One Ring! This is not a stand-alone deck. The Lord of the Rings: The Core Set and The Black Riders Saga Expansion are required to play.Sold out - $50.00
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Treason of Saruman
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesJoin Aragorn and the Three Hunters as they pursue a pack of Uruk-hai across the plains. Take up arms against the forces of Isengard at the defense of Helm’s Deep. Steel your will against Saruman and his wizardry as you join the march on Orthanc. Throughout your trials, you’ll visit iconic locations, confront infamous villains, and enjoy game experiences shaped by innovative new mechanics that bring you as close as you can get to the drama of the classic fantasy epic without finding your name in its pages. Moreover, as a The Lord of the Rings Saga Expansion, The Treason of Saruman also comes with new boons and burdens that allow you to connect its scenarios with those from the rest of the saga. While the scenarios from The Treason of Saruman all offer rewarding experiences on their own, when they're woven together in Campaign Mode, they serve dual purpose as chapters nine through eleven in an epic narrative that recounts the fantastic journey of The One Ring from the Shire to the fires of Mount Doom! This is not a standalone set. A copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Core Set is required to play.Sold out - $50.00
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Grey Havens
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesExploration and discovery lie at the heart of The Grey Havens, the fifth deluxe expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Games. Its 165 new cards allow you to adventure along the westernmost edges of Middle-earth, and then travel even further west… across the uncharted waters where the proud hosts of Númenor met their doom many long generations back. Three new scenarios feature mechanics for ships and sailing, as well as a heavy emphasis on exploration. Then, even as the troubled dreams of one Gondorian nobleman spur you to undertake an epic journey to the ruins of Númenor, The Grey Havens casts you deep into turbulent waters where Corsairs, Raiders, Undead, and the seas themselves pose constant threats. Two new heroes, as well as a host of new allies, events, and attachments for each sphere of influence lend further support to the expansion's nautical themes. They also continue to develop the different themes first associated with the Noldor trait in the Angmar Awakened cycle, adding more cards that grow in strength as other cards are added to your discard pile. Finally, the twelve encounter sets in The Grey Havens transport you to a new region of Middle-earth and lay the foundation for the Dream-chaser cycle of Adventure Packs. This is not a standalone set. A copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Games Core Set is required to play. - $110.99
The Lord of the Rings LCG: On the Doorstep Saga Expansion
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesOn the Doorstep is the second Saga Expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Games and gives players the chance to participate directly in the thrilling narrative laid out by J.R.R. Tolkien in his beloved classic. Its characters, enemies, and scenarios are drawn directly from Bilbo’s final adventures related in the novel. The three new scenarios in The Hobbit: On the Doorstep can be played one at a time, or they can be linked with those from The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill to form a campaign that allows players to relive the entirety of Bilbo's dramatic story arc! The Hobbit: On the Doorstep also introduces five famous heroes, three copies of each player card, and six sparkling treasures!Sold out