A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game
Defy both the oncoming winter and your enemies in George Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire universe.
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- $39.99
Asmodee: CMONA Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne. - $109.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Starter Set: Baratheon
Asmodee: CMONKing Robert Baratheon is dead. And while his (alleged) son Joffrey sits on the throne, there are other Baratheons who have also made claim to the kingdom. Both Renly and Stannis Baratheon have laid claim to the Iron Throne and they are willing to fight to take it. House Baratheon might be internally divided, but their troops are still just as strong as ever on the battlefield. The Baratheon Starter Set gives players everything they need to make their claim on the Iron Throne. It comes complete with a rulebook, dice, measuring sticks, stat cards, and miniatures to field a full army in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game . Players will get two units of Baratheon Wardens, and a unit each of Baratheon Sentinels and Stag Knights. Along with that, there are Unit Attachments and NCUs, including characters such as Renly and Stannis Baratheon, Alester Florent, Shyra Errol, and more.Sold out - $37.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Stark Mormont She-Bears
Asmodee: CMONMost of the soldiers marching to battle in Westeros' wars are men. Many people feel that a woman's place is back home, running things there. But for House Mormont, their She-Bears gladly head to war, taking up arms just like any other soldier. Drawing inspiration in armor and weaponry from legendary warrior Lady Alysane Mormont, they are a rough and rugged fighting force that will stand toe-to-toe with some of the heaviest units other Houses can field. - $109.99
Asmodee: CMONThe Free Folk in the north care not for the squabbles of the various Houses south of The Wall. These nomadic tribes will go where they please. And recently, they’ve been flowing their way into warmer climes. However, the people already in those lands don’t take kindly to what appears to be an invading force. Both sides are arming for war. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Free Folk Starter Box has everything a player needs to start a Free Folk army. It contains two full units of Free Folk Raiders, as well as a unit of Savage Giants, and a unit of Free Folk Trappers. Additionally, it has various Unit Attachments, Commanders, and NCUs to customize what players field. Also included is the game rulebook, custom Free Folk dice, tokens, measuring sticks, terrain templates, and everything necessary to send a force to war.Sold out - $109.99
Asmodee: CMONHouse Stark is known for their stalwart nature and cautious preparation for when winter will come again. They are a proud and devoted house. However, with the death of Robert Baratheon and imprisonment of Ned Stark, the Direwolf has mobilized for war. Will it be a Stark that rules as both King in the North and upon the Iron Throne? Will the Direwolf banner fly over King’s Landing? Only on the battlefield will the final fate of the Seven Kingdoms be decided. The House Stark Starter Set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game includes everything a player needs to begin a Stark army. It contains Stark Sworn Swords, Umber Berserkers, and Karstark Spearmen as troops. There are also numerous characters such as Robb Stark, Greatjon Umber, and Greywind. Along with units and characters, it contains the faction’s Tactics deck, dice, rulebook, and more, making it able to field right out of the box. This is a must-have for players who want to hoist the Direwolf banner in battle.Sold out - $109.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Night`s Watch Starter Set
Asmodee: CMONIn the far North, at the very edge of civilization in Westeros, the Night’s Watch tirelessly guard The Wall against any and all incursions. Formed from the discarded men in society (the lower sons, the criminals, and the bastards), they train hard and are equipped well to face the many horrors looking to sow chaos further South. They will need that resolve to keep Westeros safe. The Night’s Watch Starter Set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives a player everything they need to start a Night’s Watch force. It contains two units of Sworn Brothers, a unit of Veterans of the Watch, a unit of Ranger Trackers, plus many characters and unit attachments, such as Jon Snow, his Direwolf Ghost, and Jeor Mormont. It also has dice, tokens, terrain, and everything else required to start playing right out of the box.Sold out - $109.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Brotherhood Without Banners - Starter Set
Asmodee: CMONThe Brotherhood Without Banners stands for the people of Westeros, nothing more nothing less. It’s a band of outlaws, both great and small, who have grown quite weary of great houses playing their game of thrones. The ‘mighty and noble’ go to war as titans and end up grinding the common folk to dust beneath their feet. Thus, the Brotherhood arose, being not merely rabble, but comprised of men-at-arms and skilled knights and archers, capable of plying their deadly trade in service to Lord Beric Dondarrion, the so-far unkillable Lightning Lord. With other leaders such as Thoros of Myr, Tom of Sevenstream, Ravella Smallwood, Lem Lemoncloak, and advised by the Ghost of High-Heart, the Brotherhood is a force that cannot be lightly dismissed by even the greatest of houses. A reckoning long in the making is at hand! Let the mighty tremble when the masses march to war! UNITE AND CONQUER: Join the Brotherhood Without Banners, a faction championing the common folk of Westeros against the aristocracy. Lead your army of outlaws in strategic battles across the lands. EXCEPTIONAL DETAIL: Features 54 intricately designed, pre-assembled miniatures, representing skilled knights, archers, and infamous characters like Lord Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr. READY TO PLAY: This set comes battle-ready right out of the box, complete with 47 poker cards, 5 unit cards, 34 mini cards, and 71 various tokens to enrich gameplay. EXPANSIVE CONTENT: Includes 13 beautifully crafted cardboard terrain pieces to simulate the rugged environments of Westeros and a tactics board for strategizing your path to victory. BONUS COMPONENTS: Enhance your gameplay with 10 Brotherhood-themed dice, a white D3 die, and 4 movement trays to maneuver your units with precision during play.Sold out - $41.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Free Folk War Mammoths
Asmodee: CMONThere are many strange creatures that live north of the Wall. Most people in Westeros could only dream of giant, furry elephants covered in armor and spikes trampling through a battlefield. Unfortunately for the enemies of the Free Folk, these War Mammoths are very much real, and they are coming south with the rest of the Free Folk forces. A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings the epic battles, political intrigue, and iconic characters of George R.R. Martin’s critically-acclaimed novels to the tabletop. Utilizing beautiful, pre-assembled models and unit trays, command the armies and heroes of Westeros’ great Houses as they fight for the Iron Throne over multiple, unique game modes.Sold out - $41.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Skinchangers
Asmodee: CMONSkinchangers have the rare ability to project their consciousness into nearby creatures, altering their behavior. This can be used simply, perhaps having them perform tricks. But it can also be used in combat. It’s bad enough when an enemy unit is advancing on your position. It’s worse when that unit is flanked by giant wolves or bears. The Skinchangers unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Games gives Free Folk commanders a new option for their armies. The Skinchanger Unit Attachment can be placed in any unit, ignoring usual Unit Attachment rules (so they can join a unit with another attachment already in it). When being added, the player can also add their animal unit to the table. When the Skinchanger’s unit activates, the accompanying animal can activate immediately afterward, creating perfect “one-two punch” combinations. Just be sure that the two are never further than Long Range from one-another, or the Skinchanger is killed. Either situation will cause the animal to also be destroyed.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Heroes II
Asmodee: CMONHouse Stark is known for its honor and integrity. As such, many have become allies of the great House that might be shunned or turned away, otherwise. In a world such as Westeros, it’s good to have friends. You never know what kind of skills they might be able to bring to the battlefield. The Stark Heroes II set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Stark Commanders a whole host of new options for their forces. Players can bring in the swordsmanship of the likes of Syrio Farel or his greatest apprentice, Arya Stark. Or perhaps they’ll want the cunning of Meera and Jojen Reed. For dog lovers, they could bring Rickon Stark and his direwolf, Shaggydog.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Hedge Knights
Asmodee: CMONDuring times of peace, most folks have nothing but disdain for Hedge Knights. These landless nobles tend to own not much more than their armor, weapons, and horse. However, in times of war, a man with those in-hand are a vital resource, since having trained and equipped cavalrymen can turn the tide of battle. With the war over the Iron Throne raging, the Hedge Knights have taken to the field for anyone willing to pay their price.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice & Fire: Neutral Heroes II
Asmodee: CMONWesteros is a land not unfamiliar with war and conflict. Much blood has been shed all across its expanse. During times of strife, there are those that don’t simply stand behind a single banner, but will move from force to force looking to either make some coin or simply follow their own paths and desires. These individuals are no less useful on the battlefield, as they often bring special skills that may not be found under one’s own banner. The Neutral Heroes II Box has many of these individuals, from all walks of life and from all corners of Westeros. There are new Unit Attachments such as Bronn or Brienne. There’s new Non-Combat Units like Jaqen H’ghar and Tycho Nestoris. There are even new Neutral army commanders like Vargo Hoat and Daario Naharis, complete with their Tactics Cards. Each one can dramatically alter the way an army functions on the battlefield.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Sworn Knights
Asmodee: CMONFormer knights of renown both great and small, the Brotherhood’s Sworn Knights are among the most skilled in all of Westeros, lured away from their lords by a greater calling. As such, they’re nigh unbreakable, and often serve as the force around which many Brotherhood battles are designed. While terrain will usually dictate their employment, a Brotherhood commander who can set up for their deadly charge will see victory more often than not. HIGHLY DETAILED MINIATURES: Engage with the game using four exquisitely crafted, pre-assembled coloured plastic miniatures representing the Brotherhood's Sworn Knights. READY TO PLAY: Open the box and start your campaign without delay—no assembly required, getting you into the heart of Westeros faster. ENHANCED GAMEPLAY: Offers Brotherhood without Banners players a robust cavalry unit that combines rapid striking capability with exceptional resilience. TACTICAL DEPTH: Perfect for players looking to orchestrate complex battles, utilizing the terrain and strategic positioning for powerful cavalry charges. COMPLETE SET: Includes everything needed to integrate the Sworn Knights into your game—4 miniatures, 1 unit card, and 1 movement tray.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Bolton Heroes 1
Asmodee: CMONA Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice and Fire - Neutral Hereos 3
Asmodee: CMONA Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne. VERSATILE HEROES: Enhance any House with new attachments, commanders, and NCUs from the Neutral Heroes III Unit Box. HIGHLY DETAILED MINIATURES: Pre-assembled and ready for play or painting, these miniatures enrich your tabletop gaming experience. ICONIC CHARACTERS: Discover characters once bound for the Wall under the Night's Watch recruiter's watchful eye. MERCENARY COMMANDERS: Unleash the power of the Stormcrows with two dynamic commanders, leading your band of mercenaries in battle. EXPAND YOUR TACTICAL OPTIONS: This box set brings an array of strategic choices to your A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Baratheon Heroes 3
Asmodee: CMONHouse Baratheon has several claimants to the Iron Throne. Brothers Stannis and Renly each are willing to do what it takes to take it. House Baratheon is a House divided, with some backing each brother. Baratheon Heroes #3 gives House Baratheon players in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game a set of characters loyal to King Stannis. It includes a new version of Stannis, himself, ready to ride into battle. But others loyal to him, such as Dale Seaworth, Justin Massey, and even Patchface do what they can to seat Stannis on the Iron Throne.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Ranger Trackers
Asmodee: CMONThe Ranger Trackers are certainly not the hardest-hitting or most heavily-armored cavalry unit in Westeros, but they are some of the fastest and most agile. These swift hunters are able to get almost anywhere they need to be on the battlefield. Utilized as scouts when not in battle, they also have a keen knack for finding weaknesses in enemy units, setting them up for their brothers to take down. The Ranger Trackers unit for the Night’s Watch brings a swift cavalry unit to a Commander’s arsenal. They may not hit hard, and a good Commander will keep them out of harm’s way, but their ability to cause enemy units to become Vulnerable is an invaluable resource. Either setting up for a shot from their own recurve bows or a charge from another friendly unit, enemy forces will be wary of the sounds of galloping hooves in the distance.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Brotherhood Without Banners Heroes 1
Asmodee: CMONBrotherhood without Banners players will get a whole host of new NCUs, attachments and commanders to include in their. They gain powerful new commanders that provide a new way to construct their armies and new attachments that could synergize well with existing strategies too. They also gain more NCUs with powerful abilities that could alter the flow of the battle. EXPAND YOUR ARMY: This Heroes set introduces a new wave of commanders, NCUs, and attachments, offering fresh strategic options for the Brotherhood Without Banners faction. HIGHLY DETAILED MINIATURES: Contains 6 exquisitely crafted plastic miniatures, bringing the rich world of Westeros to life on your tabletop. READY TO PLAY: Pre-assembled figures equipped with all necessary components for gameplay right out of the box—dive into battle immediately! STRATEGIC DEPTH: Includes 5 attachment cards, 6 tactics cards, and 2 NCU cards, providing enhanced gameplay and new ways to claim victory. DIVERSE GAMEPLAY: Gain powerful NCUs with abilities that can significantly influence the flow of battle, complementing both new and existing strategies.Sold out - $39.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Dothraki Screamers
Asmodee: CMONThe warrior ways of the Dothraki might make them appear as simple barbarian savages, screaming into the sky as they charge into battle. And many commanders have underestimated them because of those stereotypes. A Dothraki will spend more time on their horse than they will off of it, and with that experience comes skill that regular training will never achieve. Despite being unarmored, it is still difficult for a trained swordsman to land a significant hit on a mounted Dothraki. The Dothraki Screamers unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Games gives Targaryen commanders a solid cavalry unit for their forces. These fearsome fighters can charge quickly into battle, dealing out deadly blows. Skilled commanders will use them as a lightning-fast strike force, avoiding getting them into protracted combats, lest their fewer numbers start to catch up with them.Sold out - $37.99
A Song of Ice and Fire - DARKSTAR RETINUE
Asmodee: CMONA Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne. HOUSE MARTELL'S STRONG UNIT: Enhance your House Martell army with the formidable Darkstar Retinue Unit Box. HIGHLY DETAILED MINIATURES: These miniatures come pre-assembled, ready to play or paint straight out of the box. MANEUVERABLE AND DEADLY: The Darkstar Retinue is a maneuverable unit known for swift, lethal strikes on the battlefield. FLANKING TACTICS: Employ these warriors on the flanks, striking like vipers and causing heavy casualties while sowing panic. FLEXIBLE STRATEGY: Decide to keep them in the fight or position them on the flanks for a strategic reappearance.Sold out - $37.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Skyreach Bowmen
Asmodee: CMONEmbark on a quest for the Iron Throne with the Skyreach Bowmen Unit Box for the "A Song of Ice and Fire Tabletop Miniatures Game". This expansion pack introduces a powerful ranged unit to the Martell faction, allowing players to strike with precision and strategy. The bowmen’s Outflank ability lets you surprise your enemies, launching preemptive strikes that can thin enemy ranks before they even have a chance to respond. Crafted with meticulous detail, the 12 miniatures come pre-assembled and are perfect for both immediate play and painting, offering a dual appeal to gamers and hobbyists alike. Each set includes a handy movement tray and a comprehensive unit card, detailing all necessary stats for battle. The included components are available in multiple languages including English, German, French, Hungarian, Polish, and Spanish, ensuring a broad accessibility to players around the world. Whether you're a strategist looking to expand your tactical choices or a collector eager to display the prowess of the Martell faction, the Skyreach Bowmen Unit Box offers both thrilling gameplay and stunning miniatures to elevate your battle experience in the quest for the Iron Throne. Dive into the world of Westeros like never before and lead your Skyreach Bowmen to victory against the backdrop of a richly detailed narrative universe. TACTICAL DEPTH: Enhance your Martell army with the Skyreach Bowmen, specialized in ranged attacks to ambush enemies unexpectedly. SURPRISE STRIKE ABILITY: Equipped with the unique Outflank ability, these bowmen excel in disrupting enemy lines by attacking before the foe can react. EXPAND YOUR BATTLE STRATEGIES: Comes with 1 movement tray and 1 unit card to integrate seamlessly into your existing Martell force within the competitive miniature game. READY OUT OF THE BOX: Includes 12 pre-assembled, highly detailed miniatures that are ready to paint and play, adding visual flair and strategic options to your gameplay. COLLECT, PAINT, PLAY: Ideal for collectors and hobbyists looking to personalize their units and for players aiming to gain a tactical advantage in battles.Sold out - $37.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Shadow Tower Spearmen
Asmodee: CMONEveryone in Westeros knows of The Wall and the stalwart Night’s Watch that mans it. Slightly less well-known is what are on the flanks of the towering edifice. To the West, there’s the Shadow Tower. There, the brothers in black specialize in wielding spears, making them masters at defending against flanking maneuvers of enemy fast-attack. The Shadow Tower Spearmen unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Night’s Watch players a new melee unit with which to protect their flanks. These troops train ceaselessly with their long spears, making them capable of inflicting severe damage on anyone foolish enough to try and charge them. They also know that their duty is to never break and run, standing unyielding against any enemy.Sold out - $37.99
Asmodee: CMONA Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.Sold out - $37.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Dreadfort Spearman
Asmodee: CMONA Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.Sold out