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Miniatures Games

  • $109.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Starter Set: Baratheon

    Asmodee: CMON
    King Robert Baratheon is dead. And while his (alleged) son Joffrey sits on the throne, there are other Baratheons who have also made claim to the kingdom. Both Renly and Stannis Baratheon have laid claim to the Iron Throne and they are willing to fight to take it. House Baratheon might be internally divided, but their troops are still just as strong as ever on the battlefield. The Baratheon Starter Set gives players everything they need to make their claim on the Iron Throne. It comes complete with a rulebook, dice, measuring sticks, stat cards, and miniatures to field a full army in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game . Players will get two units of Baratheon Wardens, and a unit each of Baratheon Sentinels and Stag Knights. Along with that, there are Unit Attachments and NCUs, including characters such as Renly and Stannis Baratheon, Alester Florent, Shyra Errol, and more.
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  • $69.99

    Twilight Imperium: Armada Disk Game - Sardakk Norr Starter Pack

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    The Sardakk N'orr is an insectile race, dwelling in enormous and complex hive cities. Hardened by the rough evolution on Quinarra, the N'orr are able to live for long periods of time in extreme hardship, their shell-like bodies containing great physical strength.
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  • $35.00

    Twilight Imperium: Armada Disk Game - Federation of Sol Starter Pack

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    The galaxy is engulfed in terrible conflict. Fleets of havoc are patrolling ancient borders in space and impressive armadas, bent on destruction, are penetrating deep into enemy systems. It is a time of skill and cunning, a time of tactics and planning, it is a time of war. Twilight Imperium: Armada is set in the rich and popular Twilight Imperium universe where players take control of one of the four major races of the crumbled empire, and must battle for glory and survival. Filled to the brim with ships of war, personnel, and technologies, Armada is a customizable game of strategic resource allocation and tactical space warfare. Take control of the unique capabilities of the Federation of Sol fleet.
  • $49.99

    Twilight Imperium: Armada Disk Game - Emirates of Hacan Starter Pack

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    In the center of the Quenwari starcluster lies the tri-system of the Hacan. Circling the massive star Kenara, the three desert planets of the Hacan Emirate bear the names Arretze, Kamm, and Hercant. Scorched by the merciless sun, the people of the Hacan are nomads, moving their cities in massive dust-sleds to cooler climates in the twilight dawn.
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  • $7.99

    Diskwars: Dragonkin Army Set

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    For the Draco it is a time of Civil War. The emergence of Llovar has split the ancient species in bitter conflict. The great War, but the other Elders would not listen. Some joined Llovar, some fight against him. Tyrnask fears that The Great war and the division among Dragonkind will bring about the X'ru, the long prophesized extinction of the Dragons. Yet, Tyrnask must oppose the rebels, and must seek to preserve the remnants of order among his kin. The Dragonkin is a fun faction for beginners because of the ease of building an effective force that is fun to play. In the basic army set, you receive three fixed flats that contain 2 Ballisters, 2 Dragonflights, 4 Drake Warriors, and 2 Drallus Worms.
  • $1.99

    Diskwars: Knights of Falladir Army Set

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    It is the height on an age. Prosperity and peace has grown along with humankind for decades. It is the height of an age. It is and age that is about to come to a crashing end. King Falladir prepares for war. An all-encompassing, all-important war. The Grea War. The forces of darkness are gathering at the boarders of the free people. Invasion is imminent. At the height of day, the darkest hour comes. Fast, with a good balance of line troops, missile weapons and fast troops, supported by some good special abilities, the Knights of Falladir can be a very adaptable faction.
  • $3.99

    Diskwars: Lathari Elves Army Set

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    The scrouge of Llovar is at hand, and The Great War threatens to destroy all that is good and all that are kind. High Lord Triamlavar in the Elven Capital of Lotharia has heeded the old alliance of Eleves and Men, and has sent his own sons into battle. The armies of the Lathari Elves are Waging War against the forces of darkness. Under sun and moon, in wood and on plain, their arrows whisper and their swords sing. They are Alluria, The heart and the strength of the forest. The Lathari Elves are fast, with many ways of attacking at a distance. In the basic army set, you receive three fixed flats with 4 Deepwood Archers, 4 Deepwood Warriors, 1 Riders of the Wood and 1 Windrider.
  • $7.99

    Diskwars: Uthuk Yllan Army Set

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Across the Desert of Blasted Winds, not far from the Broken Plain, lies the realm of Llovar's own people; The Uthuk. They were the first to be commanded by the Dark Loer, and it was they who lit the first spark of The Great War. Their malice towards the free people of Mennara is bottomless, their cruelty boundless.
  • $119.99

    Star Wars Legion: Clone Wars Core Set

    Asmodee: Atomic Mass Games
    War has engulfed the galaxy. The vast forces of the Separatist Alliance, bolstered by seemingly endless ranks of battle droids, have pushed the Galactic Republic to the brink of dissolution and defeat. The Republic’s only hope is its army of elite clone troopers, led into battle by noble, Force-wielding Jedi Knights. The war between them is an epic struggle where every battle could turn the tide and change the fate of the galaxy. You can immerse yourself in this epic conflict, assembling your forces and leading them against your opponents in the legendary ground battles of Star Wars ™ with the Clone Wars Core Set for Star Wars ™: Legion! This C ore Set invites you to enter a completely new era of infantry battles in the Star Wars galaxy, pitting the overwhelming Separatist droid forces against the Republic’s crack armies of clone troopers and Jedi Knights. As you do, you’ll assemble a force of the Clone Wars' most iconic heroes, villains, troopers, and vehicles, including Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous. In addition to introducing the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance to the game, this C ore Set contains all the cards, tools and tokens you need to begin staging your own Star Wars battles right away, making this the perfect starting point to begin building your Star Wars : Legion collection! 39 unpainted and highly detailed miniatures give you the building blocks you need to begin assembling your Galactic Republic or Separatist Alliance armies. Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous each pose with lightsabers at the ready, prepared to lead their troops into battle and show off their skills in combat. Both these miniatures are exclusive to the Clone Wars Core Set . Two sqauds of Phase I Clone Troops enter the fight to preserve the Republic. Five carry the DC-15A blaster rifle while two heavy weapons specialists add extra firepower with a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon and a DC-15 blaster rifle modified to fire from long range. A BARC Speeder miniature gives your Clone Troopers some much-needed speed as they look to outmaneuver the Separatist's battle droids and can be assembled with or without its sidecar. Those who include the sidecar can further customize their speeder with a twin laser gunner, an RPS-6 gunner, or an ion gunner. Two squads of B1 Battle Droids are ready to crush any resistance with sheer weight of numbers. Seven are armed with E-5 blaster rifles, while two heavy weapons specialists bring either an E-5C blaster rifle or an E-60R missile launcher. One unit of two Droidekas is ready to speed into battle in wheel mode. Once there, the wheel mode miniatures can be replaced by two Droideka miniatures ready to lay down heavy fire on targets the B1 Battle Droids cannot take care of.
  • Original price$47.99
    Current price$38.39

    Star Wars: X-Wing (1st Edition) - The Force Awakens Core Set

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Take command of a Resistance X-wing or two First Order TIE fighters with The Force Awakens™ Core Set for the X-Wing™ Miniatures Game (1st Edition)! In this two-player game of dramatic, high-speed dogfights, you and your opponent battle head-to-head for the fate of the galaxy. Secretly plot your maneuvers, fly at your enemies, take aim, and fire. It takes just minutes to learn the rules, but the game’s expansions and rules for squad building ensure there’s plenty of Star Wars action that you can explore and enjoy for years to come!
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  • $39.95

    Star Wars: X-Wing (1st Edition) - Core Set

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    X-Wing is a tactical ship-to-ship combat game in which players take control of powerful Rebel X-wings and nimble Imperial TIE fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space combat. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates exciting Star Wars space combat throughout its several included scenarios. Select your crew, plan your maneuvers, and complete your mission! The X-Wing starter set includes everything you need to begin your battles, such as scenarios, cards, and fully assembled and painted ships. What's more, X-Wing's quick-to-learn ruleset establishes the foundation for a system that can be expanded with your favorite ships and characters from the Star Wars universe.
  • $29.95

    Wings of War: Burning Drachens

    Ares Games
    Roaring two-seater planes fly over the trenches on recon missions, bombing runs, trench strafing, and daring rescues... Can you escort your planes to their targets and safely back home? Or can you prevent your opponent's planes from striking at the heart of your forces? Burning Drachens is the latest in the popular Wings of War aerial combat game. Wings of War: Burning Drachens can be played by itself or mixed with Wings of War: Famous Aces or Watch Your Back! to play larger scenarios. It includes more planes, more scenarios and more obstacles.Wings of War is based on accurate historical documentation to give players a fast and furious game experience.
  • $39.99

    Runewars Miniatures Game: Core Set

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    RuneWars: The Miniatures Game is a two-player miniatures game of battles between the great powers of Terrinoth. In each game, you and your opponent will gather armies of miniatures and lead them into battle—blocks of infantry will maneuver for position, cavalry wings will wheel and slam into a weakened flank, and monstrous rune golems or carrion lancers will smash through formations of lesser warriors. Innovative command tools, two distinct factions, and countless ways to customize your experience combine to offer an unparalleled miniatures gaming experience in RuneWars. Finally, with forty-eight beautifully sculpted, unpainted figures, you’ll be able to paint and customize your armies to bring an entirely unique touch to your games and enter the hobby of miniatures painting! Enter a world of blood and war with Runewars Miniatures Game, a two-player miniatures game set in the vibrant fantasy realm of Terrinoth. Each game, you must command your blocks of figures, outmaneuvering your opponent and fighting to crush his forces on the field of battle. With hundreds of ways to customize your army, including by painting your figures, you can bring your army to life as you lead them to victory against your foes.
  • Original price$47.99
    Current price$38.39

    Star Wars: X-Wing (2nd Edition) - Core Set

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    The X-Wing Second Edition Core Set contains two TIE/ln fighter miniatures and one T-65 X-wing miniature, along with all of the maneuver templates, dials, cards, dice, and rules that you need to play the game.
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  • $99.95

    Marvel: Crisis Protocol - Core Set

    Asmodee: Atomic Mass Games
    Welcome to Marvel: Crisis Protocol, a tabletop hobby Miniatures Games of climactic combat! Assemble your team from across the Marvel Universe and lead your superpowered forces against your friends in battles of cataclysmic proportions. Unleash the power of the Cosmic Cube with Red Skull and rend the very fabric of reality around your foes. Lead from the front and leap into the line of fire with Captain America. Harness the might of a binary star with Captain Marvel and send cars, trucks, and even buildings careening into your enemies. As powerful as each character is, none of them can win the day alone. It’s up to you to lead them: each game of Marvel: Crisis Protocol will require bold tactics and cunning strategy to achieve ultimate victory… At least until the next crisis strikes!
  • $119.99

    Star Wars Legion: Core Set

    Asmodee: Atomic Mass Games
    Explore the entire Star Wars Legion game line here ! Warfare is an inescapable part of the Star Wars universe, from the Rebel Alliance’s defeat in the Battle of Hoth to a few elite Rebel strike teams taking on a legion of stormtroopers on the Forest Moon of Endor. You can seize your chance to get your boots on the ground and lead your troops to victory with Star Wars™: Legion, a miniatures game of thrilling infantry battles in the Star Wars universe! Star Wars: Legion invites you to enter the ground battles of the Galactic Civil War as the commander of a unique army of miniatures filled with troopers, powerful ground or repulsor vehicles, and iconic characters like Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker. While innovative mechanics for command and control simulate the fog of war and the chaos of battle, the game’s unpainted, easily assembled minis give you a canvas to create the Star Wars army you’ve always wanted to lead into battle—whether you fight for the monolithic, oppressive Galactic Empire or the ragtag Rebel Alliance. 33 highly detailed miniatures and eight barricades draw you into the Star Wars universe. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader each pose with lightsabers drawn, ready to duel each other or anyone unlucky enough to cross their path. These miniatures are found exclusively in the Core Set. Two squads of Rebel Troopers (each with seven unique miniatures) stand ready to fight for freedom on any battlefield. Five are armed with A-280 blaster rifles, while two heavy weapons specialists carry a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon and an MPL-57 modified to fire ion torpedoes. A bipedal AT-RT miniature lends extra firepower to the Rebellion with three options for customization, allowing you to equip your AT-RT with a rotary blaster, a laser cannon, or a flamethrower. This version of the AT-RT is found exclusively in the Core Set. Two squads of Stormtroopers (each with seven unique miniatures) are ready to crush the Rebellion wherever it rises. Five are armed with their trademark E-11 blaster rifles, while two heavy weapons specialists carry a DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle or an HH-12 rocket launcher. One squad of two 74-Z Speeder Bike miniatures invites your Imperial Scout Troopers to zip across the battlefield at lightning speeds. The squad leader miniature (pivoting in his seat to fire behind him with his blaster pistol) is found exclusively in the Core Set.
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  • $45.00

    DIS Warhammer 40000 - Crusade Mission Pack: Plague Purge

    Games Workshop
    DIS This mission pack is a narrative play expansion for the Warhammer 40,000 Crusade campaign system. Within, you’ll find the rules required to play games of Warhammer 40,000 set in the Charadon Sector, which has become embroiled in war since the arrival of Typhus and the Death Guard at the head of a vast Chaos fleet. This mission pack has been specifically designed for use in narrative play Crusade games, where your campaigning forces can wage war across the Obolis and Lirac Sub-sectors. With plagues running amok and devastating new weaponry being brought to bear on every front, will your Crusade force rise to prominence or buckle beneath the weight of the terrible conflict?
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  • $29.00

    Warhammer 40000 - Datacards: Drukhari

    Games Workshop
    Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives, Power From Pain and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 77 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Drukhari gamer
  • $45.00

    Warhammer 40k - Ork Boyz

    Games Workshop
    Boyz are the rank and file of an Ork army. Orks are tough, determined fighters who fall upon the enemy in great tides of howling violence. Generally armed with the heavy, solid-shot, slugga and brutal, edged choppas, they blow great gouges from the enemy before hacking them apart. This boxed set contains 11 multi-part plastic Ork Boyz, and includes options for sluggas, choppas, shootas, heavy weapons and stikk bombz. Models supplied with 32 mm round bases.
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  • $58.00

    Warhammer 40000 - Genestealer Cults: Neophyte Hybrids

    Games Workshop
    By the time a Genestealer Cult launches its insurrection, its Neophyte Hybrids make up a horde of thousands. Weathered and toughened by a life of hard labour, each cultist features the inhuman reactions and strength their alien genes gift them. These third and fourth generation hybrids can pass as human – sinisterly, some can even infiltrate the Astra Militarum, such are their blessings. When the cult signals their attack, Neophytes swarm from sewers, catacombs and shadowy barracks, overwhelming their enemies and seizing control of entire planets within hours. This multi-part plastic box set contains all the components necessary to assemble 10 Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids, armed with autoguns, autopistols and blasting charges. Any model can replace their autogun with a shotgun – 10 are included – and 2 models can take special weapons chosen from a seismic cannon, heavy stubber or mining laser. One model can be upgraded to a Neophyte Leader, armed with either a web pistol, autopistol or bolt pistol and a chainsword, power pick or close combat weapon. One model can take a Cult icon. Supplied with 10 Citadel 25mm Round bases and 2 Citadel 32mm Round bases.
  • $84.00

    Warhammer 40k - Chaos Space Marine: Heldrake

    Games Workshop
    Heldrakes are winged Daemon Engines that plummet out of the skies like living comets, hurtling towards enemy aircraft and crashing claws-first into them from above. A Heldrake takes cruel joy in diving down upon the unsuspecting air support of the enemy in order to shred them to pieces with its scything wings and rune-carved talons. The Heldrake model is an enormous, dragon-like construct, a Chaos fusion of flesh, bone and metal. The model is sculpted as if soaring across the battlefield, and comes with numerous features: there are interlocking plates across the wings; a trail of cables from the rear of the model; as well as more subtle details such as wiring, rivets, spikes, and web of raised edging displayed across the metal plates. The Mark of Chaos can be discerned around the shoulder joints and on the wings. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 49 components, a flying stem and a large oval base, with which to build one Chaos Space Marine Heldrake. This kit is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.
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  • $70.00

    Warhammer 40k - Grey Knights: Nemesis Dreadknight

    Games Workshop
    Taller, stronger and more heavily armoured than his brethren, the Nemesis Dreadknight was created to take on the might of Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes and destroy them utterly. The Dreadknight must surely be among the most incredible-looking models in our range. It is huge, with wide plates of armour, pistons, rivets, echoing a Dreadnought in many ways yet still being utterly unique – for strapped and wired within the centre of the model is a Grey Knight. It comes caked in iconography and fascinating details, from plaques bearing names through to purity seals and sword symbols. Included within the box are options for a Nemesis Daemon hammer, a Nemesis greatsword, a heavy incinerator, a gatling psilencer and a heavy psycannon, allowing you to personalise your model. There are even two different heads and ball-and-socket arm joints to ensure plenty of different poses, meaning that you can add several Dreadknights to your collection and no two should ever look the same. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 103 components with which to build a Nemesis Dreadknight. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.
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  • $62.50

    Warhammer 40k - Chaos Space Marines: Havocs

    Games Workshop
    Havocs provide the Traitor Legions with devastating anti-infantry and anti-armour firepower, dominating large swathes of the battlefield with volley after punishing volley. Such is the blood-pounding thrill of pouring heavy fire into the enemy ranks that many Havocs become obsessed by the power their weapons afford them. They see themselves as gods of the battlefield, blasting the insect vermin of the enemy into oblivion with each twitch of the finger. If it’s heavy fire support you're after, Havocs offer you everything you need and more, with a variety of murderous weaponry with which to annihilate your enemies – be they infantry or heavily armoured targets. The set includes 4 multipart plastic Havocs that can be equipped with a heavy weapon chosen from the following options in the kit: - 2 autocannons - 2 heavy bolters - 2 lascannons - 2 missile launchers - 1 reaper chaincannon Also included is a multipart plastic Aspiring Champion that can be equipped with any of the following weapon options in the kit: - 1 plasma gun - 1 meltagun - 1 flamer - 1 power maul - 1 chainsword
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  • $35.00

    Warhammer 40K: Aeldari - Farseer

    Games Workshop
    Masters of prediction, the Farseers are the strangest and most visionary of a craftworld's advisors. Even in battle they can perform their divinations, casting the complex wraithbone runes of the Aeldari into the air and interpreting changes as the glowing icons orbit around them. This multi-part plastic kit contains 10 components with which to make an Aeldari Farseer armed with Singing Spear. This kit comes supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.
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