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Genre: Humor

  • $13.00

    Trash Pandas

    Trash is treasure! In this raucous card game, paw through the deck to find sets of day-old pizza, half-eaten candy, and other luscious leftovers. Roll the die to tip over the garbage or raid a rival's rubbish, if there's no Doggos standing guard. The more you roll, the more actions you can take - but get too greedy and your turn is scrapped! Stash the most trash and you're pick of the litter!
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  • $49.99

    Micro Mutants: Evolution

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Micro Mutants is a game of microscopic warfare pitting four different races of bugs against each other for dominance.
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  • $20.00


    Looney Labs
    The latest and greatest version of the card game with ever changing rules! Easier than ever with just the four classic card types that fans the world over have come to know and love. It starts out simple: draw one card and play one card – but New Rule cards quickly make things chaotic. Even the object of the game will often change as you play, as players swap out one Goal card for another. Can you achieve World Peace before someone changes the goal to Bread and Chocolate?
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  • $20.00

    Fluxx: Anatomy

    Looney Labs
    Anatomy Fluxx is the newest addition to our education line and takes you deep into the human body. From Bones to Blood Vessels, Anatomy Fluxx is packed with all the body bits that keep you ticking. But be on the lookout for Virus, Mutation, and Bacteria Creepers! Plus, two Learning Rules will get your Brain in gear with anatomical trivia. Anatomy Fluxx - for external use only!
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  • $20.00

    Fluxx: Math

    Looney Labs
    Math Fluxx really is all about the numbers. Players use positive integers (whole numbers) in their quest to achieve a very mathematical Goal. But it's not just putting 4 and 2 together to achieve the 42 Goal (for example); Math Fluxx also features the Plan B Meta Rule. Plan B puts Special Victory Rules into play which give you a second way to win and require even more arithmetical acumen (for example, the rule "Plus Victory" lets you win if your Keepers add up to the current Goal number). With Math Fluxx, the fun is exponential!.
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  • $16.00

    Fluxx: Fairy Tale

    Looney Labs
    Fairy tale Fluxx brings the zaniness of the card game of ever-changing rules to the land of happily ever after! gather Keepers to fit the current fairy tale goal and you win; but look out for the witch and the Wolf! with delightful illustrations by Mary engelbreit, this version of Flux is a wish come true.
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  • $19.99

    On A Scale Of One To T-Rex

    Asmodee: Exploding Kittens
    On a Scale of One to T-Rex is a family-friendly party game for people who are bad at charades. Players must perform ridiculous actions like "Be a T-Rex," "Scratch an Itch You Can't Reach," or "Be a Hula Dancer" on a scale of 1 to 10. The twist is that the quality of your action doesn't matter - you earn points by guessing and matching the intensity each player is performing their action. There are no turns in this fast-paced game, so in the midst of all the roaring, dancing, meowing, and yodeling, you must find someone on the same intensity level as you to earn points. The player with the most points wins.
  • $40.00

    Red November (2011 Edition)

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    In Red November , 1-8 players cooperate to keep their gnomish submarine from sinking to the bottom of the sea. With every passing minute, something else goes horribly wrong for these gnomish submariners. Can you avoid the flooding, fires, nuclear meltdown and hungry kraken outside until help arrives?
  • $29.99

    Monster Mansion

    Asmodee: Ludonova
    The fair has arrived at the city, and the house of horrors is undoubtedly the most awaited attraction for all the visitors. Players will need to put together the best cast, with the most fun, yet terrifying, monsters, ensuring their attraction will not disappoint the unsuspecting visitors waiting in the box office queue. Through an original system of turns, players will obtain the necessary resources to hire the different monsters that come to audition. The objective is to choose well and get the right combination of characters that let players sell their tickets for the attraction as quickly as possible. The player who sells out first will be the winner.
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  • $15.00

    We Didnt Playtest This at All

    Asmadi Games
    The title of this game sums up the humor of this party card game so succinctly. We Didn’t Playtest This at All is random. And I mean full random with an extra ?!! At times, the game makes no sense and a game can be over after one player’s turn. I love it with all my words. It’s just silly and everything a party game should be.
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  • $27.95

    Once Upon a Time

    Atlas Games
    Once Upon a Time is the award-winning storytelling card game that encourages creativity and collaborative play.
  • $29.95

    Munchkin: Zombies

    Steve Jackson Games
    Braaiiinns! It’s the sickest, silliest Munchkin yet! The players are zombies, kicking down doors and eating brains. The “monsters” they’re attacking are people, some helpless and some hazardous, with a few rogue zombies thrown in. The armor is whatever they’ve blundered across during their lurching search for brains. So bravely the munchkins go forth, with mousetraps on their feet and a bowling trophy protecting their poor rotting heads . . . to level up, or to die. Again.
  • $29.95


    Steve Jackson Games
    Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Admit it. You love it. Munchkin is the mega-hit card game about dungeon adventure . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking . Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment . Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime , and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon . . . And it's illustrated by John Kovalic!
  • $20.00

    Fluxx: Oz

    Looney Labs
    Does life seem drab and humdrum? Let the cyclone of the ever-changing card game, Fluxx, whisk you away to a magical world of fun! Mingle with Munchkins, make new friends, and follow the Yellow Brick Road to see the Wizard - but keep a bucket of water handy: you never know when you might need to melt a Wicked Witch. Next stop... the land of Oz!
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  • $20.00

    Fluxx: Martian Fluxx

    Looney Labs
    Are you ready to conquer the earth? Martian Fluxx is a classic monster story in ever-changing card game form. It's an Invasion from the Planet Mars! The players are the Martians determined to destroy the Pathetic Humans who are keeping them from winning. It's got Flying Saucers, Giant Tripod War Machines, Tentacles, Ray Guns, a Mothership, and of course, a Space Modulator. Be careful - you don't want your Humans escaping from the Abuduction Chamber!
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  • $20.00

    Fluxx - Fantasy

    Looney Labs
    Gather your friends for a party - an adventuring party, that is! Set off on a classic quest with your faithful companions: the Helpful Elf, the Dwarven Warrior, the Gallant Swordsman, and, of course, the Wise Old Wizard. Learn from the Cranky Magic Teacher how to use your Wand to cast spells like Invisibility or Fireball! You may need them as you encounter the Dreaded Pirate, or when you find out that the Captured Princess is actually the Mother of Dragons! Will you and your fantasy favorites survive the Final Showdown with the Dark Lord? Find out when you play Fantasy Fluxx!
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  • $5.00

    Fluxx: Creeper Pack

    Looney Labs
    Version 4.0 of Fluxx introduced Creepers to the basic game, but these cards were dropped again when Fluxx 5.0 was published. This left war, Death, taxes, and the beloved radioactive potato unavailable. But now they’re back, along with goals, actions, and new rules relating to these particularly intense Fluxx cards!
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  • $20.00

    Fluxx: Nature

    Looney Labs
    The nature game with rules that change like the weather! In the wild, you have to adapt to survive. Grown from the seeds of EcoFluxx, Nature Fluxx is ready to take root in the game libraries of gamers all over the world. Full of rules that are constantly changing, Nature Fluxx has players constantly adapting and evolving - just like in nature! PRODUCT DETAILS: Nature Fluxx is the next evolution of EcoFluxx. It maintains the same cards and gameplay, but updates the card frame art and packaging. Full of plants and elements and things that-eat-other-things, Nature Fluxx will remind and teach everyone about the wonders of nature (all while playing an all-natural game of Fluxx)!.
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  • $16.00

    Fluxx: Chemistry

    Looney Labs
    Chemistry Fluxx is the elemental car game where the rules are always changing. Use atoms and laboratory gear to match the current goal and win! chemistry Fluxx is the perfect compound of chance and skill, where you'll not only be playing with elements and molecules, but you'll also be learning about them! chemistry Fluxx is so much fun you'll be playing it more than periodically.
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  • $20.00

    Fluxx: Monster

    Looney Labs
    Classic monster movies and TV shows are the me in this basic Fluxx deck. Despite the prominent monster presence, this deck is Creeper free. Designed to introduce new players to the Fluxx system, it has just the four main card types.
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  • $16.00

    Fluxx: Star

    Looney Labs
    Just when you thought that Fluxx had gone as far as it could go, it blasts off for the Stars. Explore the vastness of space-themed humor with your valiant Captain, Engineer, and, of course, your Expendable Crewman. Go check out that Small Moon – or is it really a Space Station? You may be swayed by Unseen Forces, held hostage by Evil Computers, or find your ship infested with Cute Fuzzy Aliens. Beware the unexpected as Star Fluxx takes you straight into a Wormhole of hilarity. You’ll find yourself wanting to play again and again – watch out - It’s A Trap.
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  • $22.00

    Fluxx - Doctor Who

    Looney Labs
    Doctor who Flux takes Flux through time and relative dimension in space. Join with various regenerations of the Doctor, some sompanions, Gallifreyan Tech, and K-9 (but beware of Cybermen, Daleks, Weeping Angels, and the master) and play the most ever-changing, timey-wimey version of Flux ever created. Doctor who Flux: you'll play it time after time after time after time.
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  • $20.00

    Fluxx - Monty Python

    Looney Labs
    If Fluxx wasn't confusing and strange enough, now the Pythons have gotten involved with the proceedings and made it even more hysterical. Monty Python Fluxx now includes singing, fake accents, reciting Python dialog for extra cards, and pretty much everything else, short of farting in your general direction. (It is, after all, a game for the whole family.) Loosely based on concepts from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, there are guest appearances from King Arthur and all of his Knights, coconuts, a shrubbery, an unladen swallow, a trojan rabbit, a catapult, an airborne cow, the Holy Hand Grenade, and the Finger of God, as well as such Python classics as the giant foot, the nude organist, a resting parrot, and the Spanish Inquisition - which, of course everyone was expecting.
  • $20.00

    Fluxx - Cthulhu

    Looney Labs
    Follow the wild-eyed poet, the obsessed artist, and the expeditions of the professor, as they investigate Eldritch Secrets no mortal was meant to discover. Someone has stolen the Necronomicon from the library at Miskatonic Univeristy, and a farm in the hills is undergoing a horrifying Metamorphosis. Meanwhile, unspeakable abominations stir in Penguin-riddled Tombs beneath the ice. Are you inevitably doomed to a lifetime of Nightmares in the Sanitarium, or are you, in fact, a secret cultist, worshiping the Minions of Darkness? Gaze upon the everchanging face of madness with Cthulhu Fluxx.
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