Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis: Stalker Constructs
Stalker Constructs are a stark example of the Dark Mechanicum’s pervasive touch. Numerous designs became common sights during the Horus Heresy, and the most significant concern amongst the Loyalists was the apparent gestalt consciousness located within each one.
This multipart plastic kit builds 30 epic-scale Stalker Construct miniatures across 14 bases for Dark Mechanicum armies in games of Legions Imperialis. The armour plating on each features iconography that links them to the Mechanicum but is offset with the addition of spikes and clawed feet. The three patterns of stalker, Errax 'Butcher' Assault Stalker, Tenebrax 'Archer' Battle Stalker, and Scintillax 'Cyclops' Noospheric Stalker, each perform different battlefield roles while supported by swarms of Harpax 'Swarmer' Scout hosts acting as massed, frontline troops.
Contains 30 epic scale miniatures:
– 24x Harpax 'Swarmer' Scout Host miniatures across 8x bases
– 2x Errax 'Butcher' Assault Stalker Cohort miniatures across 2x bases
– 2x Tenebrax 'Archer' Battle Stalker Cohort miniatures across 2x bases
– 2x Scintillax 'Cyclops' Noospheric Stalker Network miniatures across 2x bases
The kit also comes with Command Terminals for the Errax, Tenebrax, and Scintillax so they can be used in games of Adeptus Titanicus.