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Cthulhu Live: Lost Souls
GamezenterThe second supplement for Cthulhu Live Second Edition, Lost Souls plunges Keepers and players alike into the darkest corner of the Cthulhu Mythos. The players assume to roles of mortal servants of the alien horrors from beyond space and time. Bending themselves to the will of their unspeakable gods, they commit glorious atrocities and offer foul sacraments to the eldritch powers they serve. From the incarnate madness of the Church of the Yellow Sign to the psychopathic ritual killers of the Mund-Caprice Family, Lost Souls gives you everything you need to run a live-action horror campaign exploring the black rituals and foul agendas of Mythos cults and conspiracies./ The book includes guidelines for creating and roleplaying "revenants," the mad servants of the Mythos, as well as extensive source material for over two dozen cults and secret societies. Lost Souls also offers information on the shadow organizations that battle the Mythos cults on their own dark terms, including Delta Green and the Catholic Church's Brotherhood of Sleep.Sold out - $4.99
Cthulhu Live: Players Companion
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesPrepare to take your CTHULHU LIVE events and campaigns to the next level! The third supplment for CTHULHU LIVE SECOND EDITION, the PLAYERS COMPANION gives keepers and players alike everything that they need to expand and enrich their live-action horror role-playing games. From prop-buildind and costuming to new rules for character creation and live-action combat, the PLAYER'S COMPANION will help you transform your CTHLUHU LIVE games into exciting and memorable special events. the PLAYER's COMPANION includes: - Live Action roleplaying tips and guidelines - Character advantages and disadvantages - Powers and limitations of revenant transmogrifications - A fast and furious REAL TIME Combat system - Information on the vintage clothing of the early 20th century - Tips for creating police and military uniforms - Guidelines for creating and applying stage makeup, from zombies to ghouls - Information on prop building from firearms to Mythos books and tomes - Tips for creating creature effects, from huge monsters to disembodied spirits - Detailed guidelines for organizing and running ongoing CTHULHU LIVE campaignsSold out - $4.99
Cthulhu Live: Delta Green
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe fourth supplement for Cthulhu Live Second Edition, Delta Green is based on the Origins Award-winning soucebook of conspiracy and modern Mythos horror. Players assume the roles of agents and "friendlies" of Delta Green, a conspiracy whose tendrils have spread through all levels of the US government. Born of the raid on the small Massachusetts seaside town of Innsmouth, the shadowy organization has been seeking out and confronting the forces of the Mythos for more than 70 years. Delta Green introduces a number of new elements and possibilities to your Cthulhu Live game, including: Tips on running live-action Delta Green campaigns New character skills and templates New rules for psychic powers The high-powered Close Assault combat system New "rules of engagement" that separate the lambs from the natural-born killers Unique stagecraft techniques, from night-vision goggles to helicopter insertions Guidelines for conducting criminal investigations and interrogations Overviews of modern intelligence and counterintelligence operations Information on paranormal research, from the lab to the field Organizational and operational details on major groups, from Delta Green to Majestic-12Sold out