Miniatures Games
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- $35.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Spirit Hosts
Games WorkshopChoking the air above the Nighthaunt host are the most numerous of its warriors - the Spirit Hosts. These are the souls of the damned, stripped of body and identity, and they scream endlessly for the life they have lost. This multi-part plastic kit makes three Spirit Hosts. Includes three Citadel 50mm Round bases. - $74.00
DISWarhammer Age of Sigmar - Mighty Battles Book
Games WorkshopDIS WAR HAMMER AGE OF SIGMAR BOOK Mighty battles in an age of unending war. After the End Times, after the cataclysmic shattering of the Old World, after drifting through the universe clinging to what little remained of that broken planet, what then for Sigmar? The formation of the eight interconnected Mortal Realms, whose location and secrets were taught to Sigmar by the great drake Dracothion, and the Age of Myth. Lifetimes passed, civilisations rose, and gods walked the lands as men. But this time of prosperity could not last forever. Strife, struggle and open war broke out - and the Dark Gods saw their opportunity. The Realm of Chaos spewed forth countless daemon legions, overwhelming and crushing their opposition, and the Age of Chaos began in earnest.Sold out - Original price$92.00Current price$78.20
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Mangler Squigs
Games WorkshopPossibly the most insane living weapons to be unleashed upon the Mortal Realms, Mangler Squigs crash, bound and roll across the battlefield leaving trails of torn and broken bodies in their wake. This kit builds you your very own set of Mangler Squigs. These massive monsters have the offensive power to smash pretty much anything they encounter – there's not a problem in the Mortal Realms that can't be solved by throwing some Mangler Squigs at it! This kit is packed with options for customising your Mangler Squigs, allowing you to bring to life the unique personality of each model. If you're brave (or mad) enough to include more than one set of Mangler Squigs in your army, you’ll be able to make them look distinct with balls and chains, faces, armour plating and accessories for basing. This kit contains 61 components and is supplied with 1x 80mm round base.Save 15% - $15.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Malign Portents Cards
Games WorkshopThis set contains 36 signs of the Malign Portents, along with 24 Harbinger-specific signs and prophecy point counters, printed on individual cards for use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar set during the Time of Tribulations. - $35.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Lord of Blights
Games WorkshopA Lord of Blights is a brutish figure who creates and destroys in equal measure. Swollen with muscle, he lumbers into the midst of the foe swinging his bubotic hammer in thunderous arcs. Every impact shatters bone and ruptures organs, leaving his victims lying like bruised and rotten fruit on the ground. Yet this brutality has a purpose beyond simple murder – the Lord of Blights cultivates fine crops of death’s heads that he hands out to his warriors, enabling them to fling volleys of diseased projectiles. The Lord of Blights keeps the finest specimens for himself, hanging them from his gallowrack to hurl during battle. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Lord of Blights. Bloated and bursting, like most of the Rotbringers, his silhouette is noticeably dominated by the makeshift gallowrack nailed to his back, from which 3 ripening heads dangle. He wields an enormous, dented bubotic hammer along with a vermid shield – these are both covered in the appropriate Nurgle icons, with the shield being especially spiked and disease-ridden. His belt, overwhich his unpleasantly distended and torn belly flops, features a plague knife. The aforementioned belly is disgorging maggots at an alarming rate – it’s difficult to tell how the Lord of Blights feels about this, as his face is covered almost entirely by his helmet, through which one eye socket peers curiously. The Lord of Blights comes as 7 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.Sold out - $58.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Nighthaunt: Bladegheist Revenants
Games WorkshopMoving like a ghostly cyclone, the creatures known as Bladegheist Revenants spin in a frenetic fashion. They are souls taken from those who met particularly tormenting ends – those sealed in spike-riddled encasements, choked beneath water or buried alive. Their last living thoughts were a frenzy of desperation, a last flurry of defiance in an attempt to break free. Thanks to Nagash’s terrible curse, that horrible ending moment has been preserved forever in the Bladegheist Revenants. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Bladegheist Revenants. Eternally tormented spirits, they are clad in tattered cloaks which fade away into ethereal elements, appropriate to the panicked, frantic fighting style they exemplify. Each is posed swooping and jinking unpredictably; the chains that bind them to Shyish are swinging wildly about their forms. Within the cloaks, metallic face masks peer out – there are 10 of these included, each a different design, which can be modelled on any cloak assembly you desire. There are 10 tomb greatblades included, each of which is slightly different. This kit comes as 43 components, and is supplied with 10 32mm Round bases.Sold out - $62.50
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Ironjawz: Orruk Brutes
Games WorkshopLumbering, heavy-set creatures with furrowed brows and heavy armour, orruk Brutes are unconcerned with the complex things in life. Their minds are filled with one thing only - violence. Bigger and harder than most warriors of the mortal realms, Brutes fill out the warclans in a seemingly endless tide of green skin, angry shouting and tiny-minded aggression. After all, as they say – if smashing it ain’t working, get more boys to smash it with! Brutes seek out the largest enemies – or trees, or walls – that they can find, and set about them with determination, often being joined by dozens more, all clamouring to bring down whatever enemy (or object) has the temerity to be bigger than them. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components you’ll need in order to assemble five orruk Brutes! Festooned with trophies of war, featuring massive metal or bone jaws, they can be armed with two choppas, or a double-handed jagged gore-hacka. One in five can be armed with a massive gore-choppa, and one model can be assembled as a Brute Boss, armed with either a boss choppa or a boss klaw and brute smasha. 102 Components in total, with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases.Sold out - $58.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Kurdoss Valentian The Craven King
Games WorkshopIn life, Kurdoss Valentian had a ruthless desire to rule, and many were his wicked deeds to secure power. Nagash ensured that his ultimate dream was secured in name only, however, making him little more than a strongman fated to always follow the lead of Lady Olynder. The dire presence of Kurdoss Valentian is announced by dirgeful trumpets and grim proclamations of his basest deeds. The Craven King sits silent and motionless upon his drifting throne until he closes with the enemy, and then he wields the Sepulchral Sceptre to deadly effect, mercilessly slaying all whom his queen bids. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King. Seated silent and unmoving on his cracked, crumbling throne, Kurdoss is a hunched, slumped figure who nonetheless exudes an aura of pure menace, with his sinister, 3-pointed crown entirely enclosing his face in a skull-like mask. One hand clutches the arm of his throne, while the other holds the Sepulchral Sceptre – far from an ornate, bejeweled ceremonial staff, this is a solid weapon designed to crack open the skulls of those who rouse Kurdoss’ fury. Flanking him on either side are his accompanying Wraith Heralds, who are bound to him eternally – one as a banner-bearer, the other carrying a trumpet. The twisted forms of tormented souls rise high above Kurdoss, and the whole miniature is borne aloft on a swirling column of ethereal energy which attaches to the base. This kit comes as 19 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 60mm Round base. - $19.50
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Nighthaunt: Myrmourn Banshees
Games WorkshopThe Myrmourn banshees have a diabolical hunger, for they feast solely upon magic. No enemy spell is safe from the ravenous spirits, and they haunt the Mortal Realms in search of arcane energies to consume. Myrmourn Banshees are drawn to magic as carrion are drawn to the dead, and such is their bitterness toward life that any mortal creature in their way is likely to receive a swift jab from their cursed chill daggers. Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this kit assembles 4 Easy To Build Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees. Push-fit, with no glue required, this kit is incredibly straightforward to put together and comes on a pre-coloured turquoise plastic sprue. Sinister and shrieking, the Myrmourn banshees are a set of 4 Nighthaunt miniatures with a sense of despair about them – little more than empty bodices surrounded by ethereal vapour, shrouds covering skulls trapped in a screaming rictus, they drift and swoop weightlessly clutching their chill daggers. Each is hollow – this can be clearly seen, with the inside of each miniature visible. This kit comes as 16 components, and is supplied with 4 32mm sculpted round bases – these depict a sepulchral scene, with bones, broken statues and roses littering the graveyard the Banshees drift above.Sold out - $62.50
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Khinerai Heartrenders
Games WorkshopThe Khinerai Heartrenders sweep out of the skies, dark streaks that cut swiftly through low clouds. With streams of vapour still clinging to their bodies, the winged aelves pull up, using their forward momentum to help launch cruelly barbed javelins with great force. These spike-ridden spears travel with such velocity that they can skewer both a mounted warrior and their steed, and still maintain enough impetus to embed themselves deep into the ground. Should a tempting enough target present itself, however, the Heartrenders will forgive their missile assault and dive straight into combat. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 5 Khinerai Heartrenders. Distinguishable from their Lifetaker sisters by their sinister, full-face horned helmets, they soar through the skies on enormous, spiked wings. Their armour is minimal, designed more to be streamlined for aerial maneuvers than actual protection – thick plate would drag them down, providing a disadvantage to these high-speed killers. Each Heartrender carries a long barbed javelin in one hand, with a heartpiercer shield in the other; these shields are aptly named, featuring large, sharp spikes. You can build a Shryke, which is the unit leader – she is denoted by her unique veiled helmet and loincloth. Each model is attached to its base via a sculpted ruin to which their base connects, providing the dynamic, aerial look they require. The Khinerai Heartrenders come as 61 components, and are supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases. This kit can optionally be used to assemble 5 Khinerai Lifetakers.Sold out - $60.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Kharadron Overlords: Arkanaut Company
Games WorkshopWhen it comes to feet on the ground, the Arkanaut Companies form the Kharadron Overlords’ main fighting forces. Descending swiftly via a Frigate’s grav-ladders or suspension ropes, an Arkanaut Company can deploy rapidly into the fray. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a 10-model Arkanaut Company. They have a variety of weapons available: each wields a privateer pistol and Arkanaut cutters, and up to 3 models can optionally take one each of a skypike, multi-barrelled aethermatic volley gun or light skyhook. Their Captain can take either a volley pistol or aetherflare pistol, and has the option to brandish an anchor! The Company themselves are the main fighting troops of a Kharadron Overlords army, and thus haven’t yet accrued enough aether-gold to make their armour as ornate as that of their superiors. Still, they sport magnificent metal beards, and their sealed suits are replete with the valves and fittings needed to keep them alive. This kit comprises 83 components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel 25mm Round bases. - $45.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Stabbas
Games WorkshopMoonclan Stabbas form ragged ranks that advance upon the foe with gongs clanging and banners waving. Eyes bulging with the madness of the Gloomspite, they pour over the enemy lines and stab wildly at everything in their path. Stabbas are the core unit for many Gloomspite Gitz army, thanks to their ability to overwhelm foes with vast numbers. You’ll find them great for capturing objectives or shielding the squishier elements of your army – or for concealing some well-placed Loonsmasha Fanatics... Inside the set, you’ll find enough stabbas, pokin’ spears and Moon Shields to build a unit of Stabbas, or enough Moonclan bows and slittas to build a unit of Shootas. You’ll also find a choice of Icon Bearers, a Gong Basher, 2 barbed nets and a special stabba for denoting the unit’s Moonclan Boss. This kit is supplied in 111 Components and contains 20 x 25mm round bases. - $55.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Flesh Hounds
Games WorkshopSwift, strong, and tenacious beyond mortal reason, Flesh Hounds run their prey to the ground without mercy. Those who seek to trick or destroy these daemonic beasts with sorcery find their powers flickering to nothing, extinguished by the wrath of Khorne. Flesh Hounds are fast, deadly and especially effective at slaying those who would dare dabble in sorcery. Usable in both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar, they're excellent for killing your opponent’s favourite characters or launching deadly flanking attacks. This kit contains everything you need to build five Flesh Hounds. Each is armed with blood-dark claws and wears a collar of Khorne. The set is provided in 20 plastic components and is supplied with 5 x 60mm oval bases.Sold out - $79.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Dracothian Guard
Games WorkshopAggressive and bold, there is no foe the Fulminators dare not charge. A surge of celestial energy builds before the ground-shaking impetus of their onset, a crackling war-cloud that travels like a bow wave before their lowered stormstrike glaives. They are the tip of the Dracothian Guard spear, and they clear a path for all who follow. This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble two Dracothian Guard Fulminators armed with stormstrike glaives and sigmarite shields and each mounted on a ferocious Dracoth. This kit also allows you to make any of the following Dracothian Guard variants: - Tempestors, armed with volleystorm crossbows, warblade and sigmarite shields; - Concussors, armed with lightning hammers and sigmarite shields; - Desolators, armed with thunderaxes and sigmarite shields. One Dracothian Guard can also be optionally assembled as Lord-Celestant on Dracoth armed with a selection of weapons including tempestos hammer, thunderaxe, lightning hammer, stormstrike glaive and sigmarite shield. This kit comes in 80 components and is supplied with two 90x52mm Citadel Oval bases.Sold out - $33.00
DIS Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Dominion of Chaos
Games WorkshopDIS This Battletome is designed to help you get the most out of your Warhammer Age of Sigmar scenery, and the Realm of Battle: Shattered Dominion gameboard! Inside it, you'll find - warscrolls for six awesome scenery pieces -- the Numinous Occulum, Dragonfate Dais, Baleful Realmgate, Arcanabulum, Fell Chasm and Ophidian Archway - four warscroll battalions, powerful combinations of arcane scenery with their own special rules. - four Battleplans -- awesome scenarios any army can use, based around combinations of scenery, that put you right in the heart of the Realmgate Wars!Sold out - $62.50
Warhammer Age of Sigmar- Daughters of Khaine: Witch Aelves
Games WorkshopDevoted followers of Khaine, Witch Aelves spend their entire lives dedicated to serving their bloodthirsty deity. Weapons practice and mock duels take up the majority of their daily lives, yet these are not mere military drills, but religious services with all the gravitas other cults might use when offering prayers to their god. For Witch Aelves, ritual combat hones martial prowess and sates a craving for violence. On the battlefield, dancing like pale shadows, they weave a scarlet path through the orgy of destruction, revelling in the spray of jetting arteries. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 10 Witch Aelves. They wear lightweight, minimal armour in order to move and flow more freely in their devotional bloodlust – what armour is there is beautifully ornate, finished by high leather boots. Each Witch Aelf carries a pair of wickedly sharp sacrificial knives, and they’re all posed in an appropriate pirouetting stance. There are 12 heads in the kit – 6 pairs of individual designs – each of which comes with an additional headdress. The leader of the unit, the Hag, can be identified by the extra-spiky headdress she wears. There are 2 banners with 3 different banner tops for standard bearers and a horn to denote the unit’s hornblower. The Witch Aelves come as 67 components, and are supplied with 10 Citadel 25mm Round bases and a banner transfer sheet. This kit can be optionally used to assemble 10 Sisters of Slaughter. - $45.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Disciples of Tzeentch: Blue Horrors
Games WorkshopCasting vindictive glares at their enemies and blasting them apart with mystical fire, Blue Horrors are as resentful and bitter as their pink cousins are gleeful and capricious. Muttering glumly, Blue Horrors cast azure flames from their fingertips, stomping and protesting as they do so. Should a Blue Horror be slain, it groans and flashes into flame as a pair of Brimstone Horrors replaces it. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 pairs of Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch. Tiny creatures of pure malice, they caper about on their bases just as you would expect those made of fire to do. Also included are the parts you need to make 10 Blue Horrors of Tzeentch. Eyes full of fury and large mouths full of teeth, some pose with their talons outstretched to hack at their foe, others wield magical flames that dance about their fingertips. Covered in decorations, jewellery and feathers, they also include flames for their bases. This kit comprises 40 components, and is supplied with 20 Citadel 25mm Round bases. - $79.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Dankhold Troggoth
Games WorkshopDankhold Troggoths sleep deep underground until the Gloomspite moves them to lumber up to the surface and wreak havoc. They swat and crush everything within reach, soak up spellcraft like sponges, and are nigh unkillable in battle. These massive Troggoths are tough enough to go toe to toe with the biggest monsters in the game and come out on top. Capable of regenerating wounds and shrugging off spells with ease, they’re perfect for any general looking to give their army a bit of extra punch – literally. This kit allows you to build your miniature as a Dankhold Troggboss instead. Regardless of your choice of unit, you can customise your miniature with a variety of heads, weapons, arms and accessories for making your models look distinct – great if you're looking to add multiples of these massive monsters to your army. The set also features a host of basing materials you can use on any of your Gloomspite Gitz models. This kit contains 55 components and comes with 1 x 60mm round base. - $65.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Blades of Khorne : Blood Warriors
Games WorkshopCreatures whose rage has taken them over completely, who know nothing but the appropriate red mist of anger, whose fury is such that it literally radiates off them in visible waves of livid heat, the Blood Warriors of Khorne are a mass of intense aggression and sheer bloodlust. Even striking one down offers no respite, as even the most traumatically wounded of these terrifying warriors will fight on in a trancelike frenzy. This multi-part plastic kit gives you everything necessary to build ten Blood Warriors. You’ll get some impressive customisation options - each can be armed with either a Goreaxe and Gorefist or two Goreaxes. One model can be built as Chaos Champion with a special, even more intimidating axe; this really is a kit for the axe-inclined among you! One model can be upgraded with a special weapon, the Goreglaive, and one can be built as an Icon Bearer. Includes ten Citadel 32mm Round Bases. - $168.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Great Unclean One
Games WorkshopThe Great Unclean Ones are Nurgle’s mightiest daemons. Towering over their enemies, these living hillocks of rotting flesh lumber across the battlefield swinging their rusted weapons, vomiting streams of filth and unleashing diseased magics upon the foe. Great Unclean Ones are terrifying when roused to wrath, wading through enemy ranks, crushing foes beneath their bulk and pulping survivors with their enormous swords and flails. Some toll rusted summoning bells to draw forth fresh daemons, while others unleash terrible outbreaks of magical plague. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Great Unclean One. This is a truly vile model (in the most positive sense of the word!) – it celebrates its corpulence, with rotten, torn flesh slipping aside on its enormous gut to reveal winding intestines within. 2 different heads are available – one with symmetrical antlers and a foul grin, and one cyclopæan, featuring a hideous daemon tongue which ends in a sinister head – itself featuring a sinister daemon tongue! It can be armed with a massive bilesword or doomsday bell in the right hand, and a large bileblade or plague flail (a remarkable object which is essentially 3 skulls attached to lengths of heavy chain) in its left hand. 6 Nurglings are included, clutching items such as censers, or just hanging about – these can be added to the kit in any way that you see fit. This model comes as 59 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 130mm Round base. The Great Unclean One can be added to both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies, and the kit can optionally be used to assemble the special character Rotigus.Sold out - $58.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Chaos Spawn
Games WorkshopMind and will completely dissolved into blankness by the corrupting influence of Chaos, the Chaos Spawn lurch and stagger into battle with twisted limbs flailing. Dangerous and unpredictable, the only process left in their brain is the desire to kill - and they do so with a disturbing strength, lashing out at a horrified foe with unnatural strength. This multi-part plastic kit contains two wretched Chaos Spawn, featuring a wide variety of optional parts for customisation and personalisation! Supplied with two Citadel 50mm Round bases.Sold out - $33.00
DIS Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Chaos Dreadhold
Games WorkshopDIS Battletome: Chaos Dreadhold explores the mighty fortresses raised in the name of the Dark Gods looming citadels, spike covered walls and blood-daubed castles all built by the minions of Chaos to bring glory to their dark and terrible masters. Within this book you will read tales of war that chart the bloody battles fought across the keeps of Chaos champions and the cursed citadels of the Mortal Realms. In addition, you will find warscrolls and battleplans that allow you to fight your own battles across these legendary bastions.Sold out - $168.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Daemons Of Khorne Bloodthirster
Games WorkshopBloodthirsters are the mightiest of Khorne’s daemons, the fury of war given terrible form. Every one of these towering beasts is the equal of an entire mortal army. This multi-part plastic kit allows you to make any one of three specific types of Bloodthirster: the Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster, the Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage, or the Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury. The Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster is armed with a wrathaxe - a double-headed axe that bears two equal-sized blades - and a bloodflail. The head is designed to represent the classic Bloodthirster hounds face, framed with the Khorne icon. The Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage is armed with an enormous double-handed axe. His head has a fanged maw with a forked tongue protruding between the teeth, and there are four horns atop his head. The Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury is armed with an axe - a double-headed version with two different sized blades - and a long whip. As with the other Bloodthirsters there is a specific head for this variant; the most gruesomely skull-like of the three. Whichever variant you choose to build, the model is absolutely covered in the iconography of Khorne, from the weapons through to the pair of wings and armour detailing. There is a choice of two sets of legs, either running or leaping atop flames. There are three different torso fronts, two designs of belly plates, two choices of loincloth and the option of adding armour plates to the legs and torso should you wish. All in all, this model is a total monster, in every sense of the word. The Khorne Bloodthirster has 80 components and is supplied with a 120 mm x 92 mm Citadel base.Sold out - $42.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Daemons Of Khorne Bloodletters
Games WorkshopThe Bloodletters form the core of the vast legions of the Lord of Battle. Believed to have been foremost amongst the Blood God's followers in mortal life, their will is as implacable and blood-hungry as Khorne himself. Festooned with rippling muscles, knotted sinews and driven by an unparallel killing instinct, Bloodletters are fearsome opponents. This plastic box set contains 10 complete miniatures. These finely detailed plastic kits contain a host of extra parts and accessories, enabling you to assemble your Bloodletters in a large variety of ways. Includes ten Citadel 32mm Round bases.Sold out