Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (2nd Edition) Karak Azgal
Deep beneath the Worlds Edge Mountains lie the shattered remains of Karak Izril – once proud city of Jewels. In the fallen halls there lies death, riches and much in between. Tales claim the abandoned Dragon horde of Graug the Terrible lies somewhere in the twisting tunnels – all glinting gold and broken bone – there for the taking, should you have the stomach for it. Few survive on such a quest for long, as the dark depths of the Dragon crag hide horrors uncountable...
Karak Azgal is an adventure sourcebook for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Within these pages, you will find:
• Insidious plots, treacherous priests, and a den of iniquity huddled against the hold's walls.
• Maps that describe the city and its mines and ruined caverns in detail.
• Extensive tools for creating your own adventures in Karak Azgal.
• Detailed lairs for a variety of Old World monsters including Skaven, Greenskins, Undead and more.
• Compelling Characters and interesting locations.
• New terrors like the Chameleon Snake and the Monstrous Squig!