Midnight RPG (1st Edition): Minions of Shadow
In the Aruun Jungle, children turn against their parents and the plants and bodiless spirits haunt ancient ruins.
In the havens of the Miransil and the clanholds of the dwarves, not all are as they seem.
In the barren Northlands, the earth and sky alike hunger for human blood.
And in the strongholds of the Shadow, new and terrible foes are bred from foul rituals and dark magics.
Welcome to Eredane, a land under Shadow. The creatures herein fill many roles, from the natural animals of Eredane’s ecosystem to the most vicious hunters under Izrador’s command. They range from minor annoyances and tricksters to powerful beings that even the Night Kings fear. Also included are stat blocks and backgrounds for several of Izrador’s most notorious servants: Grial the Fey Killer, Zebrim the Slayer, Darshod of the Dead Mother Tribe, and more. Whether you need more creatures to pit against your heroes on Aryth, or you want to bring the taste of MIDNIGHT to another campaign, the MINIONS OF SHADOW are ready to serve.
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player's Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast® This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.