Midnight RPG (1st Edition): Hammer and Shadow
The dwarves of Eredane were once a proud and prosperous race, trading freely among the fey and men of the lowlands and delving ever deeper in their mountain holdfasts for ore, gems, and the most coveted material of all, mithral. They were Aryth’s first and foremost craftsmen.
Now their only craft is war.
The dwarves have fought more valiantly than any other race against the Shadow, and they have paid for their defiance. This sourcebook delves into the war in the Kaladruns as surely as goblin sappers beneath dwarvish defenses, revealing the tactics and tragedies of the doomed mountain fey. Players and DMs alike will find herein locations, characters, battles, new rules, and tales of honor and sacrifice, which will enrich any campaign that takes place in the Kaladruns or that includes the dwarves and their battle against extinction.
- Hammer and Shadow includes:
- An overview of the three theaters of war in the Kaladruns: the War of Ice, the War of Steel, and the War of Stone.
- NPCs on both sides of the conflict, and their histories and goals.
- New feats, prestige classes, dwarven-craft techniques, and devices.