Warhammer - Dark Heresy RPG: The Radicals Handbook
Radical Inquisitors turn away from the path of the Puritan and rely upon tools that most of the Inquisition (and other organisations of the Imperium) consider blasphemous. Heretical allies, alien technologies, and daemon weapons of Chaos are but a few of these instruments chosen by Radicals who believe that the end always justifies the means.
This brand new sourcebook for Dark Heresy contains new rules, new (and dark!) background and career options, and forbidden gear. It is an excellent resource for both players and Game masters who wish to tread the forsaken path of the Radical.
Dark Heresy is a roleplaying game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the grim darkness of the far future. Players take on the roles of Acolytes serving the Inquisition, rooting out heresy and corruption from within the galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man.