Warhammer - Dark Heresy RPG: The Black Sepulchre
Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the upcoming release of The Black Sepulchre, an adventure for Dark Heresy! First announced in the Knowledge is Power product preview, The Black Sepulchre tasks Acolytes with solving the riddle of an ancient and powerful structure. In the process, they’ll uncover a truth so dark, the Calixis Sector may never recover from its discovery...
The Black Sepulchre is the first installment of The Apostasy Gambit, a Dark Heresy campaign that takes a cell of Acolytes from investigating the tragic history of a warped Cathedral to crusading against a conspiracy at the heart of one of the Imperium’s most vaunted organisations. The The Black Sepulchre can be played on its own, or it can form a part of the grand The Apostasy Gambit campaign. What’s more, this adventure is designed for all levels of play, so beginners and veterans alike can explore its varied paths to success!
Dark Heresy is a roleplaying game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the grim darkness of the far future. Players take on the roles of Acolytes serving the Inquisition, rooting out heresy and corruption from within the galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man.