Call of Cthulhu LCG: Curse of the Jade Emperor Asylum Pack
I can scarcely recall just when the increasingly frequent reports of police action against the odd and fantastical religious cults in the Orient and elsewhere commenced to impress me; but by May or June I realised that there was, all over the world, a surprising and unwonted burst of activity on the part of bizarre, furtive, and esoteric mystical organisations ordinarily quiescent and seldom heard from. –Out of the Aeons, H.P. Lovecraft
The Great Old Ones' insidious reach continues to spread and Curse of the Jade Emperor, the second Asylum Pack of the Ancient Relics cycle, follows the tendrils of evil into the Far East. This expansion cycle is based on the theme of the global influence of the Ancient Ones and their cults and moves the action from H.P. Lovecraft's dread-filled New England to the wider world.
In this sixty-card Asylum Pack (three copies each of 20 different cards), players will find exotic, yet hauntingly familiar characters and tales, pulled from the myths and legends of ancient China. The Middle Kingdom's undying past collides with a present made all the more uncertain through the interference of diverse otherworldly actors in Curse of the Jade Emperor.
Contains cards 21-40 of the Ancient Relics cycle. This is not a standalone deck; you must have additional Call of Cthulhu LCG cards to play.