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Para Bellum Games

  • $139.99

    City States: Promethean Oracle Artisan Series

    Para Bellum Games
    This figure was designed by the team at Para-Bellum in keeping with our aesthetic, and then sculpted by renowned artist Michael Kontraros. This is a true artisan series miniature one that can be constructed to play in the City States or the Nords, with incredible details that make it a presence on a game table, or as a painted model. Millenia has passed since Hazlia's defeat of the giant gods and the shattering of their children. Riven by conflict since, the Fire Giants, or Jotunn as they are known in Manheim today, eschewed the company of their bitter cousins, choosing instead to follow their mothers vision. For centuries these estranged cousins have avoided each other at all costs, their rare meetings frequently ending in discord and bloodshed, but this has started to change. Prometheans from the southern Firelands have started appearing in the northern lands, preaching visions of the return of their mother and the release of their father. Such is the passion of their conviction in their visions that they have cast away their affiliation, gouging out their own eyes that their next vision will be their mother returned and healing them. Elevating them to her side as her most favored children and the keepers of her lore. Their words have touched a cord and long dormant hope in the Titans and Jotunn alike, fanning the flames of a a feeling long lost to them: Hope..
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  • $5.99

    Conquest - Bases and Carriers: Infantry

    Para Bellum Games
    Conquest now offers an entire, two-in-one wargaming experience, all with the same Conquest minis: The Last Argument of Kings and First Blood ! Veteran Conquest players already have everything they need to play First Blood ; one would only need to download the FREE First Blood rules. For newcomers, as one's collection grows, it provides one with the opportunity to use one's Models to play its Mass Battles brother, again, simply by downloading the FREE rules of both game play styles. The First Blood rules are available here .
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  • $49.99

    Conquest - City States First Blood Warband

    Para Bellum Games
    A starting Warband for your First Blood Army - An Officer, A Character, A Brute and 3 Squads with a First Blood Quick Start Guide
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  • $39.99

    Conquest - City States: Agema

    Para Bellum Games
    Agema are, without a doubt, the best fighters available to a City States commander. They are invariably the personal guard of rules, tyrants and council members alike. Armed, armored and augumented to the highest standards that a ruler can afford, the notion of failure or defeat is anathema to these elite soldiers, who are trained to fight and win on any battlefield under any circumstance. How they Play: Agema are veterans and the finest warriors selected from the ranks of the Thorakites. They retain the same mobility and flexibility whilst sporting upgraded stats, at a price. Place Agema in your Strategic Stack and combine their activation with a withdrawing Hoplites/Phalangites Regiment. Where the Hoplites/Phalangites withdraw the Agema may immediately take advantage charging through gaps in the enemy lines! Contents: Infantry Dual Kit: 12 plastic miniatures that can either make Agema or Thorakites, 1 set of Infantry Bases, 2 Command Cards.
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  • $24.99

    Conquest - City States: Aristarch

    Para Bellum Games
    Much of a City States bureaucratic apparatus is selected through a rigorous civil service exam, but the Aristarch is an exception. Handpicked from the pool of Aspirant Polemachoi by the ruling power of a City State; be it a Council, a Tyrant or even a God, an Aristarchos embodies all of the virtues of a city State and is thus chosen to lead its forces on campaign. Tested and trained to a standard even higher than that of the Polemarch, his studies focus instead on strategy, philosophy, politics and economics, allowing him to serve the role of general, ambassador or governor as needs dictate to further the power and glory of his City. Contents: 1 resin character, 1 base and stand, 1 command card
  • $29.99

    Conquest - City States: Army Support Pack W4

    Para Bellum Games
    This City States Army Support Pack set includes new Command Cards, Secret Objective Cards as well as all new, individually illustrated, Spell and Incantation Cards as available to the casters of each faction to serve as memory aids, plus special TLAOK and First Blood Scenario cards uniquely used in each game play style. All of these cards are contained within a beautifully illustrated City States themed deck box to allow players to keep all of the cards needed to play Conquest in a single, easy to access container. Contents: The first City States Army support pack has 11 Spell Cards, 4 Incantation Cards, 1 Info Card, 10 Objective Cards, Command Cards, 12 TLAOK Scenario Cards, 12 First Blood Scenario Cards and a custom City States deck box
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  • $129.99

    Conquest - City States: Artisan Series Talos

    Para Bellum Games
    Artisan Series Monster Kit: 1 Resin miniature sculpted by Michael Kontraros from a Para Bellum Games design, a Monster Brute Base and Stand, 1 Command cards and assembly instructions.
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  • $29.99

    Conquest - City States: Eidolon

    Para Bellum Games
    The Eidolon are everything that the Inquisitors are not. Unlike those twisted crude vessels, an Eidolon represents the pinnacle of the Scholae’s techne. With its body enhanced in every way imaginable; its flesh reinforced to handle the phlogiston bonded blood that has been decanted into it, its limbs annealed with the strongest and lightest alloys the city states can manufacture and its lungs enhanced to power the blistering furnace that is its metabolism. Even so, all of these changes pale to the masterpiece that is its mind: a blank slate, with not an ounce of will or thought of its own whose autonomic functions are perfectly preserved. The perfect host for the Scholae to download itself into and execute its will. HOW THEY PLAY: Forged and perfected for combat, the Eidolon can be configured so that its very body and combat directives are tailored to any combat role. Whether as a potent duelist or a formidable frontline brawler, the Eidolon serves as the perfect instrument, deployed precisely where and when it's needed. Contents: 1 Premium Resin Brute Miniature, 1 Base, 1 Command Card
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  • $69.99

    Conquest - City States: Flogobolon

    Para Bellum Games
    Chariots Dual Kit: 1 Plastic miniature that can either make a Flogobolon or a Skorpios, 2 Brute Bases and Stands, 2 Command cards and assembly instructions.
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  • $49.99

    Conquest - City States: Inquisitors

    Para Bellum Games
    LOOMING almost twice the height of man, these lumbering monstrosities bear little resemblance to the men they once were. Now little more than empty vessels that the Scholae can unleash at will, Inquisitors are the red right hand of this shadowy consult. Now a twisted amalgam of flesh and steel, the sole purpose is to embody the wrath and will of that shadow consult on the battlefield and beyond. Piston driven limbs cleave through flesh and steel with alarming ease, their limbs powered by the traces of phlogiston that courses through their veins, even as it burns their stunted lives short. HOW THEY PLAY: Inquisitors offer essential fast-moving, offensive, flanking capabilities to any City States Army. While formidable lines of Hoplites and Phalangites anchor the center of the battlefield, the Inquisitors unleash a barrage of attacks on the enemy's vulnerable flanks! Contents: Brute Kit: 3 Plastic miniatures, 1 set of Brute bases & Stands, 1 Command Card and assembly instructions.
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  • $24.99

    Conquest - City States: Lochagos (Officer)

    Para Bellum Games
    The Lochagos is critical promotion for a veteran Hoplite who has taken a permanent position in his City State’s military. They quarter and fight on the frontline with the troops, but are present in all of the staff meetings an army on the march may have. This insight into the Officer’s thinking allows them to quickly relay orders and adapt to the flow of battle, making sure the army fights as a unified whole. Contents: 1 resin character, 1 base and stand
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  • $24.99

    Conquest - City States: Mechanist

    Para Bellum Games
    Every army of the City States that marches to war, does so under the supervision of at least one Mechanist. One could be forgiven for believing he is there to ensure the smooth operation of the army and the countless machines, both big and small, that are so vital to the smooth operation of a City State’s army. What many fail to recognize is that he is there to ensure that reality itself operates along the rules and parameters laid out in their Lexicons by their Divinity. Contents: 1 resin character, 1 base and stand, 1 command card
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  • $39.99

    Conquest - City States: Phalangites/Hoplites

    Para Bellum Games
    While Hoplites are the citizen soldiery of a given City State, the Phalangites are its professional army. Hardboiled and scarred veterans of countless campaigns, Phalangites take everything that makes a phalanx deadly, and kick it up a notch. Eschewing the use of the hoplon (shield) their daily drills allow them to employ their pikes, the dreaded sarissa, while holding formation. This turns them into both a hammer and an anvil, allowing them to retain their defensive nature while crushing the opposition behind an impenetrable hedge. Contents: Infantry Dual Kit: 12 plastic miniatures that can either make Hoplites or Phalangites, 1 set of Infantry Bases, 2 Command Cards.
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  • $99.99

    Conquest - City States: Promethean

    Para Bellum Games
    When one gazes upon the wonders of a City State; its cyclopean walls, its towering cranes and smokeless foundries, one cannot help but suspect that these wonders cannot have been built by mortal hands alone. And they would not be far wrong. Deep within the bowels of each Acropolis reside the Prometheans, ancient Titanic allies of the Scholae and their founder, whose deep primordial knowledge is responsible for many of the wonders that allow the city states to stand. Rare and fell is the need that rouses one of these ancients to war, for their every blow cracks the enemies will even as it empowers its allies.
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  • $39.99

    Conquest - City States: Selinoi

    Para Bellum Games
    Nowhere in the society of the City States is their ambivalent relationship with the Bred more evident than with the Selinoi. A nigh seamless blend of man and goat, the Selinoi ultimately proved to be the hardiest and most adaptable of the Bred who survived. Intelligent, fast and tough, they quickly excelled at their tasks, putting them at odds with humans and painting a mark on their back when the purgest started during the Fall. Today, those Selinoi who survive have done so by learning to coexist with humanity or avoiding it as much as possible. Selinoi Hunters shun the crowded streets of the City States, choosing instead to roam the deep forests and wildlands that the invariably form around the City States. Their woodcraft and hunting skills making them invaluable scouts for the City States and their presence is tolerated and sometimes even encouraged if only to secure these capable scouts in a cities force. HOW THEY PLAY: Experienced trackers and hunters, the Selinoi pressure enemy ranged regiments not only with their dependable ranged output but also because of their natural resistance to enemy ranged fire. Contents: Infantry Dual Kit: 12 plastic miniatures that can either make Selinoi or Satyroi, 1 set of Infantry Bases, 2 Command Cards and assembly instructions.
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  • $159.99

    Conquest - City States: Supercharged 1 Player Starter Set

    Para Bellum Games
    A Supercharged 1 player starter ready to play a game of First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings. This City States set is loaded with a complete stand of 12 Thorakites, Clockwork Hoplites and Hoplies, the Mechanist and 3 Inquisitors! Each starter set will have a very well built First Blood army as well as a great beginning set to play a game of Last Argument of Kings. Included in this set is a quick start guide for both First Blood II and TLAOK II, along with all assembly instructions, a great path of Conquest guide, a set of 12 Die and Measuring Tool, an EA Paper Map and all necessary command cards, bases and stands. A great value for players, a substantial discount over the prices if purchased separately.
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  • $54.99

    Conquest - Companion Hardcover Book 1.5 edition

    Para Bellum Games
    This book introduces rules for linking your games into Campaigns. It has rules ranging from simple experience gain for your troops and commanders to full blown map campaigns with development, evolution, and strategic movement as well as suggestions on how to run a narrative campaign. It also delves, for the first time, into the lore of the W’adrhŭn, the Old Dominion, the City States, and the Weavers, allowing the players a first glimpse into these secretive and hitherto unknown or forgotten factions!
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  • $49.99

    Conquest - Dweghom First Blood Warband

    Para Bellum Games
    A starting Warband for your First Blood Army - An Officer, A Character, A Brute and 3 Squads with a First Blood Quick Start Guide
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