Asmodee: CMYK
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- $59.99
Asmodee: CMYKDaybreak is a co-operative game about climate action. Each player controls a world power, deploying policies and technologies to both dismantle the engine of global heating and to build resilient societies that protect people from life-threatening crises. If the global temperature gets too high, or if too many people from any world power are in crisis, everyone loses. But if you work together to draw down global emissions to net-zero, you all win! - $39.99
Asmodee: CMYKLacuna is a game for 2 players about collecting flowers on a pond at night. It takes seconds to set up and plays entirely on a cloth mat. The rules are simple: draw an imaginary lines between 2 flowers, place a pawn, and collect both flowers. - $24.99
Asmodee: CMYKSpots is a casual push your luck game from CMYK. It was designed by Jon Perry, along with Alex Hague and Justin Vickers, and features dozens of adorable dog illustrations from the artist John Bond. On your turn in Spots, you'll be rolling and placing dice onto dog cards. Dice you can't place get buried in your yard. Bury too many dice and you bust. Complete 6 dogs and you win! - $24.99
That`s Pretty Clever
Asmodee: CMYKChoose your dice cleverly in to enter them into the matching colored areas on your score sheet, putting together tricky chain-scoring opportunities, and racking up the points! The dice you don't use are as important as those you do, because every die with a lower value than the chosen one can be used by the other players, keeping everyone in the game at all times.Sold out - $49.99
The Quacks of Quedlinburg
Asmodee: CMYKIn The Quacks of Quedlinburg, players are charlatans — or quack doctors — each making their own secret brew by adding ingredients one at a time. Take care with what you add, though, for a pinch too much of this or that will spoil the whole mixture! Each player has their own bag of ingredient chips. During each round, they simultaneously draw chips from their bags and add them to their pots. The higher the face value of the drawn chip, the further it is placed in the pot's swirling pattern, increasing how much the potion will be worth. Push your luck as far as you can, but if you add too many cherry bombs, your pot will explode! At the end of each round, players gain victory points and coins to spend on new ingredients, depending on how well they managed to fill up their pots. But players whose pots have exploded must choose points or coins — not both! The player with the most victory points at the end of nine rounds wins the game.Sold out - $39.99
The Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Herb Witches Expansion
Asmodee: CMYKExpand your Quacks of Quedlinburg, winner of the 2018 Kennerspiel des Jahres and Board Game Geek's Golden Geek 2018 Family Game of the Year award! With The Herb Witches expansion, you can now play The Quacks of Quedlinburg with a fifth player! Try some new Locoweed to your cure-all potions or add some new extra-large pumpkins. You can even try new ingredient books! If you’re struggling to find the perfect recipe, maybe one of the three Herb Witches can lend a hand. With countless more exciting brewing options, “Quacks” fans will enjoy hundreds of more potion-creating sessions!Sold out - $49.99
The Taverns of Tiefenthal
Asmodee: CMYKIn the village of Tiefenthal lies ""The Tavern of the Deep Valley"". There, all citizens from the area gather, but it's important to attract new, wealthy guests for only then is there enough money to expand the tavern, which will then lure nobles into the tavern as well. But which tavern expansion is best? Should you focus on money? Or rather ensure that the beer will keep flowing? In The Taverns of Tiefenthal, the challenge is to skillfully choose the dice and develop your personal deck of cards as profitably as possible. The game is structured with five modules so that your group can add extra levels of complexity as you become more familiar with the game.Sold out -