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Asmodee: CMON

  • $37.99

    A Song of Fire & Ice: Silenced Men

    Asmodee: CMON
    A battlefield is an extremely noisy place. The clash of metal on metal. The thundering of the cavalry’s hooves. The screams of death. The Silenced Men, however, never utter a single sound. Made up entirely of mutes, they stalk silently around the battlefield, employing their swift speed to mete out a wordless death via their greataxes. Even veteran troops are unnerved by the eerie silence that shrouds them. The Silenced Men Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Greyjoy players a new, unnerving unit for their army. The Silenced Men stalk the battlefield, wielding their greataxes with ease. Like all Greyjoy units, they are adept at taking from fallen foes, gaining Pillage tokens whenever an enemy rank is felled. The silence that comes with the unit shakes enemies to their core, causing them to take Panic tests whenever they activate. These Tests are harder to pass and more devastating when failed for each Pillage token the Silenced Men have gathered.
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  • $37.99

    A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Blackguards

    Asmodee: CMON
    House Bolton’s reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton violence and slaughter. The Bolton Blackguards universally fall into the latter type of person. Some of the most heavily-armored units fielded in Westeros, their heavy two-handed flails make enemy shields all but useless. Their reputation alone can cause enemies to break and run before the battle has begun. The Bolton Blackguards unit box gives commanders a terrifying new unit to employ on the battlefield. Heavily armored, the Blackguards’ reputation and looks alone will cause enemies to make a Panic Test whenever they want to attack them in melee. Adding a Bolton Flayer unit attachment to the unit only increases their effectiveness, as they’ll restore Wounds each time an enemy fails a Panic Test while engaged with them.
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  • $34.99

    A Song of Ice & Fire: Greyjoy Heroes I

    Asmodee: CMON
    While the Lannisters, Starks, Baratheons, and factions within Westeros are busy fighting over the Iron Throne in King’s Landing, House Greyjoy is taking the opportunity to extend their influence over the continent’s coastlines. No strangers to piracy and raiding, the Kraken is extending its tentacles far inland, ready to reap the benefits of armies away from home, leaving areas undefended against their quick assaults.
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  • $34.99

    A Song of Ice & Fire: Ironborn Trappers

    Asmodee: CMON
    House Greyjoy isn’t entirely concerned with taking the Iron Throne during the latest war in Westeros. However, they’re certainly going to take the opportunity to utilize the chaos it causes to improve their station. Their history of pillaging and plundering has simply moved further inland from the coast. The Ironborn Trappers are key in this strategy.
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  • $39.99

    A Song of Ice & Fire: Neutral Heroes II

    Asmodee: CMON
    Westeros is a land not unfamiliar with war and conflict. Much blood has been shed all across its expanse. During times of strife, there are those that don’t simply stand behind a single banner, but will move from force to force looking to either make some coin or simply follow their own paths and desires. These individuals are no less useful on the battlefield, as they often bring special skills that may not be found under one’s own banner. The Neutral Heroes II Box has many of these individuals, from all walks of life and from all corners of Westeros. There are new Unit Attachments such as Bronn or Brienne. There’s new Non-Combat Units like Jaqen H’ghar and Tycho Nestoris. There are even new Neutral army commanders like Vargo Hoat and Daario Naharis, complete with their Tactics Cards. Each one can dramatically alter the way an army functions on the battlefield.
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  • $34.99

    A Song of Ice & Fire: Night`s Watch Ranger Vanguard

    Asmodee: CMON
    The Night’s Watch’s Rangers are adept horsemen, able to scout quickly through areas and report back on goings-on beyond the Wall. In combat, their swift attacks can disable enemies before they have a chance to react. The Ranger Vanguard are the elites from these cavalry ranks. Their knowledge of battle makes them invaluable during a skirmish.
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  • $39.99

    A Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Heroes II

    Asmodee: CMON
    House Stark is known for its honor and integrity. As such, many have become allies of the great House that might be shunned or turned away, otherwise. In a world such as Westeros, it’s good to have friends. You never know what kind of skills they might be able to bring to the battlefield. The Stark Heroes II set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Stark Commanders a whole host of new options for their forces. Players can bring in the swordsmanship of the likes of Syrio Farel or his greatest apprentice, Arya Stark. Or perhaps they’ll want the cunning of Meera and Jojen Reed. For dog lovers, they could bring Rickon Stark and his direwolf, Shaggydog.
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  • $34.99

    A Song of Ice & Fire: Targaryen Heroes I

    Asmodee: CMON
    House Targaryen may have a checkered past in the history of Westeros, culminating in Robert Baratheon’s uprising to remove them from the Iron Throne. But there are still many that would love to see a Targaryen seated there. With Daenerys Targaryen making a move to do just that, allies old and new are coming to her aid. The Targaryen Heroes #1 box set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniature Game gives House Targaryen players a wealth of new options for customizing their force. The box contains many new unique characters, each with their own special abilities to bring the Iron Throne back under Targaryen rule. The set includes new options for army Commander, as well as Attachments and NCUs. Everything needed to use them is included. Stat cards, Tactics cards, and a new special Tactics Zone are all right inside the box.
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  • $37.99

    A Song of Ice & Fire: The Warriors Sons

    Asmodee: CMON
    In the land of Westeros, a title is a potential gateway to a life of leisure. Having land and dominion over those on it can easily lead to never having to work a single day. The Warrior’s Sons, however, have eschewed all lands and titles, devoting their lives to the Seven. Instead of having servants bring them everything, they have honed their combat skills and owe their service to High Septon. The Warrior’s Sons unit box gives Lannister players a righteous arm out on the battlefield. These highly-skilled and well-equipped soldiers are an avenging scythe, cutting down those who oppose them and using their faith to bolster themselves during combat, gaining Faith tokens that they can use for different bonuses and abilities.
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  • $37.99

    A Song of Ice & Fire: Thenn Warriors

    Asmodee: CMON
    Most of the Free Folk’s forces arm and armor themselves with whatever they can craft along the way to battle or steal off of their fallen enemies. The Thenn Warriors are different. They have forged their own bronze weapons and armor, making them the most heavily-armed troops in the Free Folk army. While their equipment might not stand up to the castle-forged steel of the southern forces, it fares better than leather and fur shirts. The Thenn Warriors unit box gives Free Folk commanders their arguably hardiest troops on the battlefield. Their increased armor has given them a sense of invulnerability, calling out Taunts to their enemies, causing charges to be targeted at them instead of other units. They also benefit from Set Defense, which means they ignore penalties from being charged, or attacked in the flank or rear. Coming with the unit is the Chosen of Styr Unit Attachment, whose Intimidating presence causes an enemy to become Weakened when they activate.
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  • $37.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire - DARKSTAR RETINUE

    Asmodee: CMON
    A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne. HOUSE MARTELL'S STRONG UNIT: Enhance your House Martell army with the formidable Darkstar Retinue Unit Box. HIGHLY DETAILED MINIATURES: These miniatures come pre-assembled, ready to play or paint straight out of the box. MANEUVERABLE AND DEADLY: The Darkstar Retinue is a maneuverable unit known for swift, lethal strikes on the battlefield. FLANKING TACTICS: Employ these warriors on the flanks, striking like vipers and causing heavy casualties while sowing panic. FLEXIBLE STRATEGY: Decide to keep them in the fight or position them on the flanks for a strategic reappearance.
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  • $39.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire - Neutral Hereos 3

    Asmodee: CMON
    A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne. VERSATILE HEROES: Enhance any House with new attachments, commanders, and NCUs from the Neutral Heroes III Unit Box. HIGHLY DETAILED MINIATURES: Pre-assembled and ready for play or painting, these miniatures enrich your tabletop gaming experience. ICONIC CHARACTERS: Discover characters once bound for the Wall under the Night's Watch recruiter's watchful eye. MERCENARY COMMANDERS: Unleash the power of the Stormcrows with two dynamic commanders, leading your band of mercenaries in battle. EXPAND YOUR TACTICAL OPTIONS: This box set brings an array of strategic choices to your A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game.
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  • $19.99


    Asmodee: CMON
    This faction pack is for the House Baratheon Faction and would appeal to fans of A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game who use a Baratheon Army.
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  • $39.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Baratheon Heroes 3

    Asmodee: CMON
    House Baratheon has several claimants to the Iron Throne. Brothers Stannis and Renly each are willing to do what it takes to take it. House Baratheon is a House divided, with some backing each brother. Baratheon Heroes #3 gives House Baratheon players in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game a set of characters loyal to King Stannis. It includes a new version of Stannis, himself, ready to ride into battle. But others loyal to him, such as Dale Seaworth, Justin Massey, and even Patchface do what they can to seat Stannis on the Iron Throne.
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  • $34.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Baratheon Queens Men

    Asmodee: CMON
    The Queen’s Men aren’t named necessarily for their dedication to Queen Selyse. Instead, it refers to their conversion to the R’hllor faith. And while many might be concerned that their true loyalties lie with the Red Priestess, for the time being, they are just as willing to head to battle in service of Stannis Baratheon. In time, their true nature might come to light.
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  • $34.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Baratheon Stag Knights

    Asmodee: CMON
    The Stag Knights are House Baratheon’s finest unit. Their ranks are made up of nobles, each bearing the signature horned him as a sign of their station. Their armor is some of the finest in all of Westeros, only matched by House Lannister. And their two-handed warhammers are able to smash enemy armor with frightening ease. The Stag Knights unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon commanders a strong, tough, elite unit for their forces. Clad in heavy armor, letting them take a significant blow from the enemy and coming out fine, as the unit does take damage, it only grows stronger. As ranks are destroyed, the unit gains access to several special abilities, each one as deadly as the last.
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  • $39.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Bolton Heroes 1

    Asmodee: CMON
    A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.
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  • $109.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Brotherhood Without Banners - Starter Set

    Asmodee: CMON
    The Brotherhood Without Banners stands for the people of Westeros, nothing more nothing less. It’s a band of outlaws, both great and small, who have grown quite weary of great houses playing their game of thrones. The ‘mighty and noble’ go to war as titans and end up grinding the common folk to dust beneath their feet. Thus, the Brotherhood arose, being not merely rabble, but comprised of men-at-arms and skilled knights and archers, capable of plying their deadly trade in service to Lord Beric Dondarrion, the so-far unkillable Lightning Lord. With other leaders such as Thoros of Myr, Tom of Sevenstream, Ravella Smallwood, Lem Lemoncloak, and advised by the Ghost of High-Heart, the Brotherhood is a force that cannot be lightly dismissed by even the greatest of houses. A reckoning long in the making is at hand! Let the mighty tremble when the masses march to war! UNITE AND CONQUER: Join the Brotherhood Without Banners, a faction championing the common folk of Westeros against the aristocracy. Lead your army of outlaws in strategic battles across the lands. EXCEPTIONAL DETAIL: Features 54 intricately designed, pre-assembled miniatures, representing skilled knights, archers, and infamous characters like Lord Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr. READY TO PLAY: This set comes battle-ready right out of the box, complete with 47 poker cards, 5 unit cards, 34 mini cards, and 71 various tokens to enrich gameplay. EXPANSIVE CONTENT: Includes 13 beautifully crafted cardboard terrain pieces to simulate the rugged environments of Westeros and a tactics board for strategizing your path to victory. BONUS COMPONENTS: Enhance your gameplay with 10 Brotherhood-themed dice, a white D3 die, and 4 movement trays to maneuver your units with precision during play.
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  • $39.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Brotherhood Without Banners Heroes 1

    Asmodee: CMON
    Brotherhood without Banners players will get a whole host of new NCUs, attachments and commanders to include in their. They gain powerful new commanders that provide a new way to construct their armies and new attachments that could synergize well with existing strategies too. They also gain more NCUs with powerful abilities that could alter the flow of the battle. EXPAND YOUR ARMY: This Heroes set introduces a new wave of commanders, NCUs, and attachments, offering fresh strategic options for the Brotherhood Without Banners faction. HIGHLY DETAILED MINIATURES: Contains 6 exquisitely crafted plastic miniatures, bringing the rich world of Westeros to life on your tabletop. READY TO PLAY: Pre-assembled figures equipped with all necessary components for gameplay right out of the box—dive into battle immediately! STRATEGIC DEPTH: Includes 5 attachment cards, 6 tactics cards, and 2 NCU cards, providing enhanced gameplay and new ways to claim victory. DIVERSE GAMEPLAY: Gain powerful NCUs with abilities that can significantly influence the flow of battle, complementing both new and existing strategies.
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  • $34.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Builder Stone Thrower

    Asmodee: CMON
    In the northernmost reaches of civilized land, the Night’s Watch man The Wall, keeping Westeros safe from the wild things roaming beyond. The Builders are there to maintain the troop’s arms and armor, as well as create massive siege weapons to contend with the monsters of the frozen north in safety upon The Wall. Smaller versions can be taken to battle when the Night’s Watch march to war as well. The Builder Stone Thrower is an artillery piece that Night’s Watch commanders can bring with them to battle. Extremely cumbersome to move and poorly armored, the Stone Thrower more than makes up for it in offensive power. The Thrower has no upper limit to its range, lobbing boulders over troops and terrain to land where needed. The huge rocks it launches crush anything they land on with no Defensive Saves allowed. The larger the target, the more damage they can do!
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  • $39.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Dothraki Screamers

    Asmodee: CMON
    The warrior ways of the Dothraki might make them appear as simple barbarian savages, screaming into the sky as they charge into battle. And many commanders have underestimated them because of those stereotypes. A Dothraki will spend more time on their horse than they will off of it, and with that experience comes skill that regular training will never achieve. Despite being unarmored, it is still difficult for a trained swordsman to land a significant hit on a mounted Dothraki. The Dothraki Screamers unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Games gives Targaryen commanders a solid cavalry unit for their forces. These fearsome fighters can charge quickly into battle, dealing out deadly blows. Skilled commanders will use them as a lightning-fast strike force, avoiding getting them into protracted combats, lest their fewer numbers start to catch up with them.
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  • $37.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Dreadfort Archers

    Asmodee: CMON
    A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.
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  • $37.99

    A Song of Ice and Fire: Dreadfort Spearman

    Asmodee: CMON
    A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.
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  • $109.99


    Asmodee: CMON
    The Free Folk in the north care not for the squabbles of the various Houses south of The Wall. These nomadic tribes will go where they please. And recently, they’ve been flowing their way into warmer climes. However, the people already in those lands don’t take kindly to what appears to be an invading force. Both sides are arming for war. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Free Folk Starter Box has everything a player needs to start a Free Folk army. It contains two full units of Free Folk Raiders, as well as a unit of Savage Giants, and a unit of Free Folk Trappers. Additionally, it has various Unit Attachments, Commanders, and NCUs to customize what players field. Also included is the game rulebook, custom Free Folk dice, tokens, measuring sticks, terrain templates, and everything necessary to send a force to war.
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