Universe: Warhammer 40K
Current price $62.50
Warhammer 40k - Marneus Calgar with Victrix Honour Guard
Games WorkshopMarneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines, is not only a consummate warrior, but also a highly talented strategist. He is master of Ultram...
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Current price $19.00
Warhammer 40k - Ultramarines: Primaris Upgrades
Games WorkshopThis pack of plastic components can be used to upgrade a variety of Primaris Space Marines with iconography and details specific to the heroic Ultr...
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Current price $65.00
Warhammer 40000 - Tyranids: Tyrannofex
Games WorkshopThe Tyrannofex has the armour and fortitude of a living battle fortress and its weaponry eclipses that of its foes' most powerful battle tanks in b...
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Current price $45.00
Warhammer 40k - Ultramarines: Chief Librarian Tigurius
Games WorkshopTigurius is the Ultramarines Chief Librarian and has always stood apart as a figure of mystery, possessed of knowledge that goes far beyond the tow...
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Current price $60.00
Warhammer 40k - Space Wolves Grey Hunters
Games WorkshopThe Grey Hunters form the fighting heart of each Great Company. Their raw aggression has been tempered by hard-won experience and it is from their ...
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Current price $79.00
Warhammer 40k - Space Marines: Storm Speeder
Games WorkshopThe Hailstrike is so heavily armed that it can annihilate entire swathes of infantry in fusillades of blistering projectiles. Speeding over the bat...
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Current price $62.50
Warhammer 40k - XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
Games WorkshopDesigned to offer long-range support, the XV88 Broadside Battlesuit has exceeded expectations, becoming a mainstay of the Hunter Cadres and tank-k...
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Current price $84.00
Warhammer 40k - Tau Empire: XV8 Crisis Battlesuits
Games WorkshopAn iconic rendering of T'au technological progress and ingenuity, the XV8 Crisis Battlesuit is a thing of joy to behold in battle - unless you're i...
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Current price $80.00
Warhammer 40k - Tau Empire: Tidewall Shieldline
Games WorkshopA virtually impenetrable barrier of glowing energy from behind which the Fire Warriors of the T'au Empire can pour scathing fire upon their foes, ...
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Current price $42.00
Warhammer 40k - Tau Empire: TX4 Piranha Tau Empire
Games WorkshopThe Piranha is a lightly armoured vehicle used by the T'au in a range of capacities, including rapid response, support of pathfinder teams and even...
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Current price $62.50
Warhammer 40k - Thousand Sons: Exalted Sorcerers
Games WorkshopTwisted arcanists, wicked of intent and strange of form, Exalted Sorcerers have an encyclopædic knowledge of spells and are able to bend reality to...
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Current price $62.50
Warhammer 40k - Space Wolves: Thunderwolf Calvary
Games WorkshopFrom the Mountains of the Maelstrom come the legendary Thunderwolves, hulking beasts with jaws so strong they can chew through steel. There are se...
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Current price $62.50
Warhammer 40k- Space Wolves: Wulfen
Games WorkshopHaving surrendered to the terrible curse that the Canis Helix afflicts, the Wulfen are a grotesque distortion of the power of the Space Wolves. Lo...
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Current price $42.00
Warhammer 40k - Space Wolves: Fenrisian Wolves
Games WorkshopThe wolves of Fenris are legendary beasts whose lives are inextricably linked with those of the human tribes that share their ice-bound world. It i...
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Current price $62.50
Warhammer 40k - Space Marines: Venerable Dreadnought
Games WorkshopStanding three times the height of a man, these towering war machines bear powerful weapons and are as lethal at range as in close assault. A chapt...
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Current price $37.00
Warhammer 40k - Space Marines: Primaris Lieutenant with Power Sword
Games WorkshopLieutenants act as the right hands of their Captains by providing tactical flexibility and helping to direct their battle-brothers in war. They are...
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Current price $70.00
Warhammer 40k - Space Marines: Primaris Invictor Tactical Warsuit
Games WorkshopThe Invictor Tactical Warsuit is a stripped-back variant on the Redemptor Dreadnought frame. Instead of a revenant hero in a sarcophagus, this comb...
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Current price $45.00
Warhammer 40k - Space Wolves: Ragnar Blackmane
Games WorkshopSupremely confident and eager always to be first into the fray, Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane leads his Great Company in devastating planetary invasio...
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Current price $37.00
Warhammer 40k - Space Marines: Primaris Lieutenant in Reiver Armour
Games WorkshopLieutenants act as the right hands of their Captains by providing flexibility and helping to direct their battle-brothers in engagements. They are ...
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Current price $79.00
Warhammer 40k - Space Marines: Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought
Games WorkshopRedemptor Dreadnoughts are giant war machines that crush bone and splinter skulls as they bludgeon through enemy ranks. Taller, broader and more cu...
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Current price $45.00
Warhammer 40k - Tau Empire: Pathfinder Team
Games WorkshopLight reconnaissance units, Pathfinder Teams are the eyes and ears of their Commander in a way no drone can yet emulate. A Pathfinder's foremost ro...
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Current price $40.00
Warhammer 40k - Space Marines: Primaris Librarian
Games WorkshopEyes blazing and fists crackling with roiling energies, Space Marine Librarians stride into battle to destroy their foes. Some hurl blasts of warp-...
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Current price $194.00
Warhammer 40k - Tau Empire: KV128 Stormsurge
Games WorkshopAn absolute colossus of a machine, piloted by graduates of the Ves'oni'Vash, the KV128 Stormsurge is designed as an extreme heavy-weapons platform....
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Current price $60.00
Warhammer 40k - Tau Empire: Fire Warriors
Games WorkshopNot only is the path ahead illuminated by the light of the Greater Good, but also the glow of pulse rifles. The courageous Fire Warriors, with the ...
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