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Current price $49.99
Conquest - Spires: Brute Drones
Para Bellum GamesTowering well over two meters, with most specimens touching the three meter mark, Brute Drones are a towering mass of vat grown muscle and aggressi...
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Current price $28.99
Conquest - Dweghom: Ardent Kerawegh
Para Bellum GamesExemplars of the Ardent creed, the Kerawegh have gone farther and deeper than any living Dweghom in the Dheukorro: they have reached the very gates...
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Current price $39.99
Conquest - Dweghom: Flame Berserkers
Para Bellum GamesAmong the Ardent, Flame Berserkers are a small brotherhood who, gifted beyond their peers with the raw power of the Element of Fire, do not seek to...
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Current price $29.99
Conquest - Hundred Kingdoms: Mounted Noble Lord
Para Bellum GamesNo matter how old and established a noble house is in the hundred kingdoms, none have forgotten the wise adge: "Power flows from the edge of the bl...
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Current price $24.99
Conquest - Hundred Kingdoms: Noble Lord
Para Bellum GamesObserving the history of the Hundred Kingdoms and their nobles, it is perhaps no surprise that the vast majority of their houses have strong milita...
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Current price $24.00
Conquest - Hundred Kingdoms: Null Mage
Para Bellum GamesNull Mages are gifted in each of the four elements. While no human could hope to reach the pinnacle of power that a Dweghom Sorcerer could muster, ...
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Current price $45.00
Warhammer Underworlds: ARENA MORTIS
Games WorkshopThe fan-favorite Warhammer Underworlds: Arena Mortis is returning with a fresh ruleset updated for the most recent season of the game. Pitch your w...
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Current price $39.00
Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms - Flame Atronachs
IMPRESSIONS ADVERTISING & MARKETINGSummoned from the realms of Oblivion, FLAME ATRONACHS are Lesser Daedra that can be commanded by skilled mages. Strangely beautiful and graceful, b...
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Current price $19.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Lord of Plagues
Games WorkshopHidden behind the dread mask of one of Nurgle’s executioners, the Lord of Plagues gazes impassively at the victims of the vile blessings that swath...
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Current price $52.00
Games WorkshopMore akin to an army than a police force, the Enforcers trade in violence and control, purging settlements and habzones if even the faintest hint o...
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Current price $45.00
DIS Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Broken Realms: Kragnos
Games WorkshopAs the tide of Death magic suffusing the realms recedes in the wake of Teclis' retribution, Alarielle undertakes a grand ritual to seed the Mortal ...
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Current price $60.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Realmscape Ghurish Expanse
Games WorkshopThe Era of the Beast sees armies clash across all manner of terrain, from fetid bogs and ancient ruins to wind-blasted plains and snow-capped mount...
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Current price $35.00
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Gryph-Hounds
Games WorkshopPack-hunting creatures from the realm of Azyr, Gryph-hounds are noble beasts who detest corruption. Their sharp senses pierce deception as easily a...
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Current price $60.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Vanari Starshard Ballista
Games WorkshopMade from supple, yet extremely strong dreamwood, the Vanari Starshard Ballistas are the premier artillery piece of the Lumineth Realm-lords. Firin...
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Current price $45.00
DIS Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Broken Realms: Teclis
Games WorkshopDIS Inside this 152-page hardback book, you’ll find: -The thrilling tale of the Lumineth Realm-lords’ perilous campaign against the entrenched...
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Current price $60.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Hedonites of Slaanesh: Slaangor Fiendbloods
Games WorkshopWhen the madness of battle descends upon Slaangor Fiendbloods, the carnage left in their wake is truly sickening. These gangly beasts are frighteni...
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Current price $45.00
Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms - Stormcloak Chieftains
ModiphiusLead your brothers and sisters in the fight to free Skyrim! ULFRIC STORMCLOAK inspires his troops and defeats his enemies with axe and fearsome Dra...
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Current price $29.00
DIS Warhammer - Warcry: Bringers of Death
Games WorkshopDIS Death stalks the Bloodwind Spoil. Nagash’s gaze turns towards this nightmare realm of slaughter and butchery, and he sends his midnight armies ...
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Current price $52.00
Necromunda: Van Saar Archeoteks & Grav-Cutters
Games WorkshopReckless and young, Neoteks have yet to feel the full effects of the wasting inflicted on the Van Saar by their use of their STC’s technologies. Th...
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Current price $52.00
Necromunda: Orlock Arms Masters & Wreckers
Games WorkshopAs Orlock gangs grow, they need Arms Masters to support the Road Captain and keep the Gunners and Greenhorns in line. As well as enforcing order, t...
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Current price $52.00
Necromunda: House of Blades
Games WorkshopInside this book, you will find:- House Escher History and Background: an expansive and extensive background on the House Escher, including a timel...
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Current price $39.99
A Song of Ice and Fire: Ranger Trackers
Asmodee: CMONThe Ranger Trackers are certainly not the hardest-hitting or most heavily-armored cavalry unit in Westeros, but they are some of the fastest and m...
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Current price $45.00
WH Underworlds: Beastgrave - Arena Mortis
Games WorkshopWarhammer Underworlds meets fast-paced multiplayer combat in Arena Mortis – an expansion that transforms the ultimate competitive miniatures game i...
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Current price $60.00
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Namarti Reavers
Games WorkshopNamarti Reavers provide the archers and scouts for the Idoneth Deepkin phalanxes. The Akhelians recognise the need for reconnaisance, picket forces...
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