Rogue Trader RPG: Hostile Acquisitions
Rogue Traders are accustomed to earning their livings in the grey areas of the law, but a few brave or foolhardy captains take it a step further...
Hostile Acquisitions is a supplement for Rogue Trader. Within this detailed book, players and GMs will find all they need to run a campaign on the far side of Imperial Law. From new characters and equipment to creating nemeses and running games based on criminal enterprise, Hostile Acquisitions is an invaluable resource on those Rogue Traders who are more rogue than trader.
Rogue Trader is a roleplaying game set in dark gothic far future of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players take on the roles of explorers aboard a Rogue Trader's ship, searching for profit and adventure while discovering new alien cultures and threats in the uncharted regions of space.