Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Warscroll Cards: Bonesplitterz
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Driven quite mad by the thrumming power of Gorkamorka, the Bonesplitterz hunt the great beasts of the mortal realms in order to slay them and absorb the spiritual might of their god, which they believe is bound within the creatures’ bones. Led into battle by crazed Wurrgog Prophets, these savage orruks are wildly unpredictable and difficult to best in combat – what they lack in organisation and tactics they make up for in toughness and sheer single-mindedness. The boys of the Bonesplitterz swarm over the enemies’ ranks, tearing into them and chewing out their hearts with anarchic abandon.
This pack of 10 large-format cards contains each of the unit Warscrolls from Battletome: Bonesplitterz, printed on individual cards for handy reference in your battles, along with a selection of double-sided card gaming tokens – use these to indicate the Allegiance Abilities, skills and statuses used by your models in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Please note, you’ll need a copy of Battletome: Bonesplitterz to use the contents of this set.
This pack of 10 large-format cards contains each of the unit Warscrolls from Battletome: Bonesplitterz, printed on individual cards for handy reference in your battles, along with a selection of double-sided card gaming tokens – use these to indicate the Allegiance Abilities, skills and statuses used by your models in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Please note, you’ll need a copy of Battletome: Bonesplitterz to use the contents of this set.