Midnight RPG (2nd Edition): Core Rulebook
The classic setting returns!
FFG reprints and re-envisions the lands under the Shadow in this 2nd Edition of the award-winning world of Midnight. Midnight is an original d20 setting that pits the players against overwhelming forces of evil in a desperate fight for survival and freedom. There is only one god in Midnight, and it is the dark lord Izrador, the Shadow in the North. For centuries his twisted spawn have assaulted the free people of Eredane, and 100 years ago, he won. Now the land is his, the people are enslaved, and magic, weapons, and literacy are outlawed. Only the brave and courageous few dare to resist the Shadow.
This edition of Midnight updates the entire campaign to D&D v3.5, and includes all of the content from fan-favorite player supplement Against the Shadow. Additionally, over 40,000 words of new material will be added, including setting details regarding the orcs and legates who serve the Shadow and the desperate but capable Erenlanders who oppose them.
- Updated classes, feats, and spell system.
- Errata and setting updates as determined from years of in-the-market play.
- New color and B&W art depicting the heroes and villains of Eredane, as well as showcase pieces of art from the original edition.